Living on this farm has brought us so much joy. Exciting things happen here. Dreams come true here. Our family is creating its history here. I really love that this is our home.
One amazing thing about the farm is the number of small creatures that make their way into our lives. Not only do handsome husband and I enjoy the excitement of rescuing a baby critter, but I think it is wonderful for the boys to have these experiences throughout their childhood.
First, there were the baby squirrels - Charlie and Lola. They had fallen out of their nest and most likely their mother had been killed as she was nowhere to be found. The dog found them on the ground at the foot of a huge poplar tree in the upper pasture, nearly frozen. We took them in and gave them shelter, not to mention a fair bit of love~
Then, of course, there is Mama and the four babies. When she brings them into the barn to eat, she divides them into two groups as I think she doesn't feel safe bringing all four in at once. We spend time watching the ones left in the tree outside while she is inside feeding the others. She is quite patient with my camera, letting me shoot them without shooing them away. She is protective though, and it is amazing to hear her communicate with them!
And then, last night, #1 came up to my room asking me to come downstairs. Seems little Chipper the house wren had somehow gotten into their room (their windows are on the lowest of three floors and the windows themselves sit about five inches above the ground. They open from the bottom and she somehow found her way in. She is too young to fly, very calm, and is now eating every hour during the day and chirping away when she is hungry.
It is funny because about a month ago my friend and I were running and I spotted a cold baby crow who had also clearly fallen out of her nest and was on the side of the road. She would barely open her eyes and there were no parents to be found. We brought her to my friend's house where she and her family have been nursing her back to health. She is more like a dog, wanting to be with them, flying to their laps or shoulders, and calling out for food. She really is adorable~
Enjoy your weekend mes amies - I shall be here, happily enjoying the craziness that is our life~