14 May 2014

An amazing yet simple way to support women in Uganda

Hello friends!

I wanted to share some exciting news.  I am working on building a non-profit organization based here in the states that will support education and empowerment to those who need it most.  You can learn a bit more about the program here:  the grow hope foundation  Our first partnership is with an organization in Uganda called SCHEP- Sustainable Community Health Education Program.  With them we hope to educate people in rural Uganda on the importance of hygiene, sanitation and nutrition.  We have already developed a pilot project that I am looking forward to going back and photographing this summer.  But I need your help.  The women in Uganda have been working hard hand making beads to then string into beautiful jewelry.  It is beautiful and I personally wear it all the time.  I have just stocked my shop- tiggy & grace - with so many gorgeous pieces.  ALL PROCEEDS will go directly to the women who made the jewelry, so that they can properly feed their children and send them to school.  It is such a small thing, buying a piece of jewelry, but it makes such an impact on the lives of these women and through them, their children.  Imagine if you could change the trajectory of a child's life by simply buying jewelry.  Oh the possibilities!

Thank you friends!

