I snuck out first thing this morning, after getting the three big boys off to school, to take some photos of the gorgeous color that has decended on the property these last few days. My darling and wonderful husband afforded me this luxury by staying home from work this morning so that he could keep the ever-active Finn Henry busy. The fog visited while I was out so I wasn't able to totally capture how beautiful the color was. Thus, I brought the color indoors!

I also shot a few photos of the house, which I thought I would post. I had found an old flour sack a while back and finally decided to make a couple of pillows out of them. Let me say that sewing is not one of my current talents, but something I hope to improve upon with time. I have to say, I follow a few blogs written by incredibly talented women! My morning routine consists of waking up at 5:40 am, going downstairs while everyone else is still nestled in their warm, comfy beds, and getting a cup of coffee. I power up my laptop and log on to some of my favorite blogs (after I read the BBC to see what is happening around the globe). I do this because afterwards, I shower and while showering, plan my day. I find that reading my favorite blogs inspires me each and every day to find direction. Some days, it is to slow down, enjoy my wonderful home, children, gardens, etc. Some days it is to nest, bake, cook, create. Some days it might be to learn - to sew, knit, crochet, photoshop... Regardless of what each day brings, it does bring inspiration. I love those incredibly inspirational women for that! So have a peek at my blog list. I would guess that these women will inspire you as well~

Have a great Tuesday,