Ahhh... peace and quiet. The crazies are in bed, husband is in Europe, and I have a perfectly quite house all to myself. I truly think this is the very best part of the day, closely followed by 5 am - another perfectly quiet time that comes with the knowledge that no one will be joining me for another hour at least. My time to work~
So, day three in Paris. I have photos, don't you worry. But first, we need to discuss another side effect of my time in France. Specifically, my second week. Now, all of this will come out later, but, for better or worse, it is affecting me NOW. It needs to be put out there.
Before I left for France, I had been running. I ran a few times a week, 2-4 miles at a time, depending on the time that I had that day. And it was okay. Not great - but come on - it is RUNNING. What is fun about that??? Anyway, there was this little "race" in France - just outside of Toulouse where I was staying with those who shall now be referred to as my french husband and french bestie. You see, they are crazy adventure runners/athletes extraordinaire. They inspire me. They definitely inspired me - how else would I have EVER committed to running a 12k race. I have never run 12k. Ever ever. But alas, there was wine, and I was so damn INSPIRED.
So, back to that story a bit later. The point is, since my return, I have been thinking about my running. A lot more than I was. I have been *excited* about it. Really? Excited? did I just say that? hhmmm... Anyway...
So, this will come as no surprise to any of you who really know me but today, I stopped a woman- a complete stranger, who was running on the road. I was driving my car and she was running in the exact same spot that I had run just an hour before. And she reminded me of me. Me running that is. And there is this race - this Saturday. And it is 5 miles. And no, that isn't long, but it is a trail race. with hills. I have contacted all of my girlfriends - none of whom are able to run with me Saturday. And so I thought - hey, maybe this stranger, who is minding her own business, running along happily will want to run with me. And I pulled over and yelled to her. (yes, I actually yelled - she was wearing headphones - what else was I supposed to do?)
So, J. and I had a lovely conversation where we discovered that we both were at about the same place with our running (granted, she has run two, yes TWO marathons in her lifetime - impressive, even if it was a *few* years ago...) and the fact that she lives near me and is interested in training together was a bonus. We also discovered that we had spent 10 minutes talking at the preschool facility here in town this morning about schools (but clearly the look I had going post-run and the ball cap she was wearing while running made it impossible at first glance to recognize each other). Destiny? I think so...
Anyway, I will get back to you on the run Saturday. It may happen, it may not. But it won't be the last run as I think I see a future in all of this. What future that is, I haven't a clue...
So, onto the Paris photos.
~but before I do - I am sure you all have been reading Kasey's blog. Honestly, she writes in such a way that you will feel like you were there (well, if you were there in Kasey's version of reality that is...). She will have you in stitches, and honestly, if you haven't been reading along, you need to go back and read from day one. It really is something you shouldn't miss...
Jour trois was the Tour Eiffel day. It was also another walking day (walking to find the supposed macaroons that were meant to be better than Laduree, walking down the Champs-Elysee, walking to lunch, walking to buy my bandaids, visiting street vendors). The sun was shining and we had a lovely morning.
The Eiffel tower was gorgeous, as she always is. Personally, I think she is far prettier from a distance, but it was fun shooting her close up as well. After we had taken enough photos (but really, are there ever enough?) we walked over to a packed and very french cafe to enjoy a glass of wine and a bit of lunch. It was almost more fun just sitting there people watching than it was being out walking around. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and I think we were all aware it was our last day in Paris.
After lunch we walked over to the Champs-Elysee and stopped at Laduree to pick up our supply of macaroons. My very very favorite? salted caramel. divine. heavenly divine. What I wouldn't give for one of those babies right now!
We had finally made it back to our hotel, had our shoes off, and were relaxing for the first time that day, when it suddenly occurred to Kasey and I that we hadn't yet seen a cemetary. We were on our last evening in Paris and had NO SHOTS of a cemetery!! It was 30 minutes before Monparnasse closed and, being us, we jumped in a taxi and raced over. We spent time wandering through the most beautiful cemetery that I have ever been in, shooting the oldest gravestones and tombs that I have even seen. It was one of my favorite shooting moments of the trip. We walked all the way back to our hotel, enjoying our last big walk in Paris, knowing that we would be back, one day.

Our last night... Let's just say it involves a LOT of wine, French cigarettes, a camera, a window, an alley, and lingerie. Those photos will NOT be found on this site - thankfully they are pretty blurry as it was PITCH BLACK when we were taking them and Ruby probably knew better than to focus completely. I will say, however, that it was one of the most fun, risque, and completely frivolous things I have ever done. Thankfully Simone was there to keep things in check, although she did a bit of shooting herself... There is something about standing in an alley, in your lingerie and a coat, with heels, shooting photos of one of your besties in the window above, laughing hysterically, with handsome Parisian gentlemen whistling as they walk by. Truly a once in a lifetime moment~