I have decided that I won't be making any resolutions this January 1st. Instead, I am going to have a list of aspirations - things that I would like to accomplish, but nothing that will make me feel like I am letting myself down if I don't succeed. Thus, here is what I aspire to accomplish~

~ I hope to eliminate negativity (as buddha did) from my thoughts as well as my words - I teach my children that if they don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. I hope to live by that standard myself.

~ I hope to find at least one worthy charity (such as KIVA) that I can really commit my time, energy, and some amount of financial support to. Although we are quite a charitable family, I want to take it further this year.

~ I hope to narrow down my endless interests and start to refine and improve on the interests that really matter to me. Instead of thinking I can make so many of the things I see and want, I plan to support Etsy sellers (like modernbird) more often!

~ I hope to do one thing that scares me - take one chance, climb one intimidating mountain (metaphorically speaking), do one thing I have never done for fear of failure or the unknown.

~ I hope to slow down, swing on a swing, take more deep breaths, drink more water, watch more sunsets, smell more flowers, kick more soccer balls, read more books, take more walks, and sit in our hammock more often.
Wishing all of you a marvelous, love filled, prosperous 2009~