Weekends in general around here are pretty fabulous. Time spent hanging out with five of my very favorite people always holds some adventure or another. However, having four whole days together really is a treat, and something that I don't take for granted.

Not only did we begin the weekend with a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with incredible food and even better company (my aunties and Gram), but it just continued to get better from there!

#s 1 & 2 went with me on our annual Christmas Tree hunt and we had so much fun! (okay, maybe it was that I had so much fun and they humored me, but really, we all laughed a lot, and does it really matter that we were laughing at each other...?)

After a delay in getting off of the property - remedied by a handy husband and some jumper cables to *help* the truck start, we were off. We probably saw every tree at least three times and as it was #2's first time with us, he quickly tired of #1 and I finding flaws in every. tree. we found. Thankfully, #1 was very patient with #2 and explained to him that it didn't matter if the first tree we saw was the best tree - mom had to see every. single. tree on the farm before a decision could be made. Thus, just hush and keep looking. The problem was, so many of them had needles that were already dying and I refuse to cut down a tree that is already on its way out. Again, I was thankful when #1 informed us that "he sees dead trees" and could pretty much call them a good 20 feet out...

We did however find the PERFECT tree! Well, yes, as a matter of fact it does only stand about 4 feet tall. And yes, it does closely resemble the tree in "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

Well, maybe you haven't noticed, but little trees are all the rage this year! I have seen them all over the internet, and now, lucky for me, I can see one every single day - in our living room! As soon as she is completely decorated, I will take some photos of her as, quite honestly, she is absolutely adorable.

So, after we became a family with a tree, there were still TWO days left in the weekend! Talk about gleeful~ We pulled out clay and had fun making all sorts of crazy/wacky/holiday creations. We watched movies - well, okay, maybe the males watched movies while I worked on other things. I really did want to watch Up with them, but I happened to come in at the half-way point and you really can't start a movie in the middle! Trust me, it is on my "to do" list as they all seemed to have loved it.

On top of all of that, we ate really well. Honestly, between our Thanksgiving meal, our fabulous day-after left-overs, and homemade pasta I feel like we were a bit glutinous this weekend. That being said, it was absolutely delightful!

I hope you too had a wonderful weekend and that your week is filled with festive moments that have you excited about this wonderful holiday season!