While I am due for another post from the magical france trip of 2010, I need to take a moment to insert a bit about the food I enjoyed while I was there. You see, while editing the photos from my second week where I stayed with my french bestie, I realized how absolutely utterly stunningly gorgeous (not to mention DELICIOUS) the food was. You see, french bestie is an incredible cook. marvelous, really. And of course, being me, I had to photograph every single thing we ate. I was lucky french husband was so patient and understanding of my constantly whipping out the camera at a moments notice... and waiting to eat. or drink his wine. or champagne. See - I really was fortunate~

So, I thought I would share a few photos of the meals that have now spoiled me when it comes to dining. And please believe me when I say that I miss this food every day and try to recreate part of the magic that was "eating chez frenchies"...

Most of our lunches were eaten outside in the sunshine in the french countryside. And please note - when I say "lunch" I am referring to a meal that most would consider a formal dining experience in most other places. We enjoyed wine with every meal (lord knows I could get used to that...) and the freshest ingredients in every meal. It truly was one of those times when you REALLY don't want it to ever end.

Cheese was served at nearly every meal and it was the most magnificent selection of cheeses I have ever enjoyed. I fell in love with M. Jeannot - their cheese man~

Okay, I'm hungry... Time to go peruse my favorite cookbooks in search of some inspiration for the coming week~
Enjoy your Sunday mes amies!