29 May 2010

fine dining, or daily dining in france...

While I am due for another post from the magical france trip of 2010, I need to take a moment to insert a bit about the food I enjoyed while I was there. You see, while editing the photos from my second week where I stayed with my french bestie, I realized how absolutely utterly stunningly gorgeous (not to mention DELICIOUS) the food was. You see, french bestie is an incredible cook. marvelous, really. And of course, being me, I had to photograph every single thing we ate. I was lucky french husband was so patient and understanding of my constantly whipping out the camera at a moments notice... and waiting to eat. or drink his wine. or champagne. See - I really was fortunate~

So, I thought I would share a few photos of the meals that have now spoiled me when it comes to dining. And please believe me when I say that I miss this food every day and try to recreate part of the magic that was "eating chez frenchies"...

Most of our lunches were eaten outside in the sunshine in the french countryside. And please note - when I say "lunch" I am referring to a meal that most would consider a formal dining experience in most other places. We enjoyed wine with every meal (lord knows I could get used to that...) and the freshest ingredients in every meal. It truly was one of those times when you REALLY don't want it to ever end.

Cheese was served at nearly every meal and it was the most magnificent selection of cheeses I have ever enjoyed. I fell in love with M. Jeannot - their cheese man~

Okay, I'm hungry... Time to go peruse my favorite cookbooks in search of some inspiration for the coming week~
Enjoy your Sunday mes amies!

28 May 2010

happy friday

Bonjour mes amies & happy Friday!

I hope you have all had a lovely week - I certainly have. My dad is visiting from Minnesota - something he does for a week twice a year - and honestly, they are my two favorite weeks of the year here on the farm. Usually we work on fabulous projects such as the penned yard for the chicken coop, building a pergola, the retaining wall next to the pergola, grading a hillside, paving an entry, etc... I love it because not only to I get to work with my dad (or watch my husband work with my dad while I take photos and "direct" their work...) but when he leaves (my very least favorite days of the year) I have something to look at and remember our visit. Have I mentioned how much I hate when he leaves...?

Unfortunately, this year, the weather is not cooperating AT ALL. It has been raining almost the entire time. Yesterday, when it wasn't raining for 13.7 minutes, my dad mowed the entire property! As you can see, he is as driven as I am to get things done!

We were able to do a bit of work in the studio - a building on the property that has been sadly neglected and is suffering from some pretty awful water damage, not to mention mold and carpenter ants. It is under cover and we are able to work on it and stay dry. I am hoping to get back out there today as I have the boys home from school for a FOUR day weekend (yippy!) and they are always a big help with things like this.

I have also been working on a couple of new things for the shop that I am really excited about. I hope to be able to list a few of them in the coming weeks if I can get them exactly how I envision them and ready for sale. Dad is helping with parts of that as well. Now if I could just figure out how to get him to move out here... I am open to suggestions here my friends... :)

Have a magical, marvelous weekend mes amies - enjoy your time with those you love, or the peace and quiet of your time alone. If it is sunny, enjoy the warmth on your skin and, if it is raining like it is here, nestle in with a warm cup of tea, a good movie, and your most comfy blanket~

Gros bisous,

22 May 2010

dreaming of sunshine (or of moving south...)


I am getting a little desperate for it. We had a bit today, but, as is often the case here in the pacific northwest, it only lasted for a short while.

I am really looking forward to the warm weather, the sunny mornings, lunches outside, sun hats, sun glasses, bon fires, mowing the grass, picnics, days at the beach.

I want to get my tomato plants in their pots, the gardens to start to really grow, flower seeds to sprout, and the croquet game set up in the upper pasture.

I want to ride our bikes to the Saturday market more often, put sunblock on the boys, fill the water trough up and let them use it as a pool, need the umbrella over the sandbox to provide some shade, linger over dinners outside by candlelight with good wine and good friends.

I want to pull out our shorts, summer skirts, flip flops, swim trunks.

I want to entertain in the gardens, eat our own vegetables, make sun tea, throw open the windows, watch for butterflies.

Come on spring, we are waiting~

photos~ 1- weheartit; 2- shannon fricke; 3,4,5- martha stewart; 6-brabourne farm

21 May 2010

happy friday and new prints~

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend mes amies!

I hope you have something wonderful planned, whether it be adventurous, exciting, or simply relaxing. I think I am going to opt for the relaxing option as it has been busy around here this week and I could use some down time~

I have been going through my France photos and will be adding a few more to the shop this weekend. I absolutely loved the architecture with its beautiful windows, doors and shutters. The gorgeous colors, faded by years in the southern French sunshine are stunning.

Stop by and have a peek - I hope that they take you there as they do me...


18 May 2010

funky junk sisters vintage flea market

Friday night I spent the evening with some fabulous ladies from the local flea market junk world. The ever-fabulous Linda and Dixie of Funky Junk Sisters fame were hosting their semi-annual Funky Junk Sisters Vintage Flea Market. It is one of my favorites and if you are ever in the area when they are having one, you really do need to go. It is that good.

I thought I would share some of the images I shot that night. It is an easy show to shoot as there are so many treasures there and they are displayed in beautifully displayed booths~

I also was able to meet and spend a short time with a fellow Minnesotan - Sue Whitney. This gorgeous and incredibly tiny woman had more energy and spirit in her right pinky than many of us have in our entire bodies. It was inspiring to talk to her and absorb some of that enthusiasm! I think this woman will help to change the way we look at recycling and repurposing items and finding ways to integrate these items into our lives.

There were also a few of the Sisters on the Fly in attendance- a fabulous group of women who pull their own incredibly cool trailers to a vast array of locations, in search of adventure and exciting times with other women. And, of course, they completely inspired me - I am absolutely joining! Mabel belongs in a group like that! We will have a ball, I am sure!

Finally, I want to say hello to these three darling girls~ They had a booth called *4th Avenue* and it was (I believe) their first show. They were so cute and I had such fun shooting them in front of the old truck that the sisters had borrowed (and I am sure are still trying to figure out a way to make their own...).

There were so many fabulous vendors but unfortunately I didn't get cards from them all. For instance - this photo:

I love this photo but didn't get a card from the sassy lady who ran this booth. She was so fun - and looked marvelous in her boots and skirt!

I do want to share a few links - those that did give me their cards. If you see a photo of your booth here and want to send me your link, I will happily add it to this post!
