09 May 2010

loving me some actions... and a GIVE-AWAY!

Friday was an exciting day for me. It was one of those days that I had waited for with such excitement. To bring it home to my husband, it was like the day the iPad was finally available. Yes husband - that good.

Friday Flora Bella released her spring actions. Yes, new actions for me to play with! I have spent more time that I should have these last two days playing with them and when I say *love*, I mean LOVE. They are FABULOUS!

All of the photos in this post have a different action from the Spring Set I - and there are more. They are available for Photoshop and for Photoshop Elements. I don't know how many of you have the last sets, but I used them constantly and love the effect they have on my photos.

And guess what? WE ARE HAVING A GIVE-AWAY!!! Shana Rae has offered to give-away all three of the previous sets - yes, you heard me correctly! The winner will get Vintage, B/W, and Color/Haze. If you don't know what they are, visit Flora Bella and have a look. This is the set that I first fell in love with. Trust me, you too will fall, and probably fall hard.


If you want to enter, simply do the following:

~ be a follower
~tweet, facebook, or blog about the give-away
~leave a comment with where you left your announcement so that I can enter you!

Please note, you will need either Photoshop or Photoshop Elements to use the actions.

I will be drawing the name on Sunday, May 16th and announcing it Monday morning so make sure to check back!

Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you~


Little Emma English Home said...

Kim, I so want flora bella new actions!!! thanks for this awesome giveaway!!! I will post about it tomorrow and leave my second entry as soon as I do it!!

Hugs xx

Tara said...

ohhh Kim...so lovely. Gorgeous pictures and such a fabulous giveaway. Have a wonderful mother's day!!

Hearts Turned said...

How beautiful! I didn't even know there were such things as "actions"...I'm such a novice! I DO have Photoshop, but I'm very new, and a little afraid to dive in...but since I'm such a vintage-loving girl, those sound perfect to me! Thanks for the chance to win!

Already a follower, and I'll mention it on my blog--thanks, again, and

Happy Mother's Day to you! Hope it's a beautiful day!

The Four Tides said...

Beautiful! Have a Happy Mother's Day my friend!

Amy said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I haven't tried this but so excited to try it out!!!! Thank you for the giveaway... I've posted in my blog. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Unknown said...

just wonderful. what a giveaway. visiting Flora Bella was entering another world!


Privet and Holly said...

Kim, you are one of my HEROINES behind the lens! This looks amazing. I'm taking a photography class now and am going to be loading up Photo Shop, soon, so naturally I will keep my fingers crossed that I might be the LUCKY ONE! Even if I'm not, thank you for introducing me to Flora Bella! xx P&H PS: Funny the things we compare so that our hubbies can "get" what we are excited about : )

Anne Lorys said...

Hi Kim,
Preach it, sista!
I just purchased the old set of actions from Shana Rae last year, and they are indeed fantastic!

Shame on me, though, as I haven't taken the time to learn all the fabulous things you can do with them.

What a wonderful giveaway!
And yes, I've been a follower for quite some time now!

Happy Mother's Day!

Robby said...

OMG...I would love to win the new sets...I already have everything else....please, please, please!!!! xxxRobby

Keri-Anne said...

oh my goodness! i am so desperate to get hold of these actions, but i just dont have any spare pennies for them. please please enter me. thank you xx

Beener said...

Am already a follower and will tweet and fb the giveaway....

Tonya Poitevint said...

Thank you for having such a great contest! I purchased the Florabella actions a few month ago and love them!! Can't wait to get the Spring ones!!! I am a fan on FB and will post this on my blog!!! Thank you again!
Tonya Poitevint

Unknown said...

Love the photos, they're beautiful! I'd love to know which actions you used on them...

Sheila Carson Photography said...

Followed and Tweeted!!! Thanks for a fabulous giveaway! I LoVe Florabella and Mimi! http://twitter.com/sheilacarsonpix

Paula said...

I would so love to win the Florabella give away....I have posted this on my blog! Thanks for the giveaway~

Heather Brandt said...

I follow your blog through google reader. I posted on facebook about the giveaway. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=503519790

(facebook- Heather Bain Brandt).

I'd love these actions! What a great mother's day giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Happy Motherday....

your new stuff looks great....
Alldready a follower and post @ FB

Thanks for the chance to win :)

V Cannon said...

Just posted about the giveaway on Twitter. I love these actions!! Thank you for doing this:)

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

I'm following on Twitter! I would love the the Spring set! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

New Girl on Post said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm a new follower and I'd love the classic actions if I'm the winner. :)

Angel said...

I have been a follower on Facebook so I just posted about the giveaway. Hope I can win me somethin'! :-)

Kelly said...

OOh! I would love to win the new actions! I posted on twitter! Thanks! Happy Mother's Day!
PS, Love the lavender!!

Thauna said...

New follower here! Love your blog!! I've shared on Facebook and Twitter. I would absolutely love a set of these beautiful actions, I have been coveting them for a while now. :o)

Unknown said...

I have listed this great giveaway on my Twitter Acct. (housemouse007) I would love to get my hands on the new actions for ps4. They are so beautiful :)

nlowe said...

I absolutely love all of the previous sets! I use them all the time and I just LOVE the effect on my photos!

I would LOVE the new spring sets!! I have tweeted about your give-away :) Thanks again and have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!

~ Nicole

Laurel E. Riffey said...

Just became a follower of your blog!

KnB'sMommy said...

Kim, I have been wanting these forever. I am in love with the way her actions can totally change to tone and mood of a picture. I would loove a chance at this :)


Stephanie said...

Just found you through Shana Rae - Love this blog and giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win!

Laurel E. Riffey said...

Tweeted this awesome giveaway!

erin olson photography said...

That would be a great Mother's Day gift:) just became a follower and will link to my blog...

Kimberly said...

I love florabella actions! I really want them! I'm following your blog and I blogged about the contest here - http://kimberlyanne-photography.blogspot.com/

Thanks so much!

Sandrine, Crea-Bisontine said...

Thank you so much for this message. I have posted in my facebook for all my friends French photographers

Picsnprops said...

What a great chance!!!! Really love those actions!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Anonymous said...


Tweet! tweet!

KnB'sMommy said...

Left a comment on my facebook account about this FABULOUS giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and Iam now following you!

you're awesome!

Laurel E. Riffey said...

FB it!

posted by lori said...

I just love Florabella...I so want her new actions, that would be the greatest present ever!!
I'm a follower...

Picsnprops said...

Forgot to say... announcement on facebook!!

Katrina said...

Ooooo!!! So excited for this giveaway!!

I'm following and I mentioned it on twitter: http://twitter.com/katrinasevin/status/13680970488

Maria Therese said...

Oh I so much want the actions, have been drooling over them for half a year, but just can't affodt them now. Whit these oh so sweet action's I'd get som new sparkle into my scrapbook pages I'v tweet'ed about your giveaway here: maja_t79

Michelle said...

I just became a follower and posted the giveaway on Facebook - thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!

EloDesigns said...

Wow what a fantastic giveaway!! I think it's the biggest wish and dream i can have today!!!! I would so love to win these thank you so much for the chance!! You are so talented i'm in love with everything you do!!! I've mentionned it on Twitter:
and on facebook too:
I cross my fingers and thanks again for the chance!!!
Have a wonderful day,

David said...

Your images are beautiful and all the Flora Bella actions rock. Thanks for hosting the fantastic giveaway.

Jill Bruss said...

cfollowing and tweeted the giveaway!

Christy said...

Following~ tweeted~ Ready to win~ :)

lisaroy said...

what a fantastic giveaway! I would LOVE to win this - fingers crossed! already a follower!
Happy Mother's Day to you...xx.

Raye Marie said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

How neat! I just went over to her site as well as her blog. I would love to have my name in the hat. Thank you~

Amanda R said...


Followed & posted a link on facebook :)


However, my Face book is friend's only, so if you add me to verify, ,send me a message and I'll be sure to accept :)

miranda borden said...

I love the giveaway and i am a deffinate fan! Happy mothersday everyone!

miranda borden said...

awesome giveaway!!! i love florabella and i am deffinatly a fan of yours! Happy mothers day everyone!

Krista said...

I'd love the opportunity to win Florabella's new actions! What a fabulous Mother's Day gift! I am a follower and wrote about the giveaway on my blog. http://kristacampbell.blogspot.com/2010/05/win-florabellas-fabulous-new-actions.html

Megannn said...

aaaaaack. I love Flora Bella Actions AND Eye Candy Actions, I can never seem to catch Sheye's giveaways but i'm glad I caught this one. :)

http://www.facebook.com/ohhhsnapmegan posted heree on facebook :D

jamidavis said...

I have just been dying to try these beautiful actions. So, So gorgeous. Posted on my blog, Facebook and already a follower. Thank you for this opportunity!!

jamidavis said...

Would so love to try these beautiful actions. So, so gorgeous!! Posted on blog, Facebook and DEFINITELY a fan. Thanks for this opportunity!!!

Blessed Serendipity said...

I am also a follower.


Blessed Serendipity said...

pretty pretty pictures!


Tina said...

OOOooohhhhh.....I would LOVE to win some Florabella actions :) I am a follower on your blog :)
Happy Mother's Day!

hannah said...

What a fabulous giveaway!! Have been wanting or should i say NEEDING these for way too long! what a fabulous mothers day gift that would be indeed!!!
I tweeted:

Lacey said...

Lovely giveaway! THANK YOU! I facebooked about it and I became a follower! Happy Mother's Day everyone!


Anonymous said...

What a fabulously sweet giveaway!!! I'm a follower and I Tweeted/post on FB about it!! I'll be sure to mention it on my blog post tonight as well!! Thanks SO much for the chance to win these - I love Florabella!!

Beate said...

I love the Florabella actions. I use them constantly. I became a follower on your blog and twitter. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

deedee_photog said...

I tweeted your give-way at http://twitter.com/deedeephotog
Beautiful images and great contest. :)

deedee_photog said...

I also added a link on my blog at

Elise said...

Would LOVE this! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=2008197

sylvie sorelle said...

OOh Kim! I so want the Florrabella Spring Actions! I already have the older actions and I am loving them to death! Gorgeous pictures by the way and have a Happy Mother's Day!

Sylvie SoRelle

Nath said...


I copied the link to my facebook profile : Nathalie CODANT (link : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1201189018&ref=profile#!/profile.php?id=1201189018 )

I also copied to Twitter : http://twitter.com/NathalieCodant

Your work is magnificent!!!

Goodbye from France.


Romeo and Mae said...

So glad I found your blog! I'm following your blog and on twitter! :)

Virginia Smith said...

I was going blog hunting today and although the giveaway was a wonderful lure (my blog photos could use some flora bella actions)...I am now a follower and will share on my Facebook as well!

kg said...

I would loooove these actions! Became a follower!

Anonymous said...

Wow amazing blog!!! Totally missed it...cant believe it. I posted about this amazing blog and give away at facebook http://www.facebook.com/MyFourHens?v=wall#!/?ref=home


kg said...

I would loooove these actions! I will facebook about it!!

Lee-Anne W. said...

I am now a follower and would LOVE to win Flora Bella's new spring actions sets! They are AWESOME!!! Excellent give away!

kristinvald said...

I´m officially a follower :-)

Beautiful pictures and what an awsome giveaway !


wendy said...

ohhh thanks for a wonderful giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

OH, my...your images are just beautiful!! I love the Florabella actions!! I am a follower and I posted the giveaway on my FB page here http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1275486529

wendy said...

i am a follower! :-)

Briole Photography said...

Fabulous images! I became a follower! I would love to win these...I have been drooling over them for awhile now!

wendy said...

i tweeted

....Mimi Charmante http://mimicharmante.blogspot.com/?spref=tw

Anonymous said...

I also posted on my blog at http://jolandad-photography.blogspot.com/2010/05/florabella-give-away-at-mimi-charmante.html totally love this give away and many thanks for this chance!

FYH said...

Oh, I just love this... what a give away, I never used actions, because I don't use Photoshop. I have Corel paint shop and just bought a textureset from Florabella. If I would win them, I'm goning to buy PS.
Sending you love from Holland.

Bethany said...

Just became a follower!

Bethany said...

and posted about the giveaway on twitter!


thanks so much for this opportunity!

Melissa said...

i love your new 'header' -truely beautiful...& flora bella- ahhh i went to her site & blog and was in heaven...i would just sit & 'play' with my photos all day- i bet you do...your photos are magic & then that final 'vintage' touch...
i would truely love the chance to 'create' more with my photos-
what an amazing 'give-away'...

& happy mothers day...

melissa x

ps -photo and link to your blog post has been popped on facebook also...

Emily said...

I am a follower...would love these!!!!

Stéphanie said...

OMG that's a wonderful gift. I love Florabella actions. I already shared on my FB photography page, my FB wall and Twitter too.
I am following you now on Twitter:)
Happy Mother's Day

Rachel said...

tweet! http://twitter.com/RachelGoerke Would LOVE the new actions!

cherished-moments said...

ama fb fan already and posted about this great giveaway here.. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/cherished-moments-photography/188137981459?ref=ts

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway! I posted on facebook:


Krista said...

Love your photos- thanks for the contest!

Kare said...

Happy Mother's Day Kim!!

Beautiful photos...I can see why you love the new actions.

Leigh Anne Wilkes said...

I am also a follower! Hope to win, keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Leigh Anne Wilkes said...

Have loved the Florabella actions and do not own any so would LOVE to win!!! Thank you. Your photos are amazing. I am headed to Paris in June!!

Hannah Mayo said...

I am following you on google reader :) Thank you for doing this great giveaway!

Helen said...

Oh my you are right! I fell hard! These are soooo stunning!
I'm following you on your blog, retweeted the give away (HAENoordam) and posted it on my FB http://www.facebook.com/editphoto.php?aid=66146#!/profile.php?id=542418064&ref=profile

Thanks for this AMAZING chance to win!!!
Hugs Helen

Hannah Mayo said...

I shared about the giveaway on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hmayo?ref=profile#!/hmayo?v=wall&story_fbid=118420181522983&ref=mf

Gracefully Vintage said...

Lovely Blog- love the Eiffel and Carousel- great pics - i love it all.

Kristi Deter ( Lambert ) said...

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I want these actions ( spring ) soooooooooooooo bad. I posted about this on my facebook. As soon as I figure out how to follow I will. Out of town for mothers day, and only have my iPhone. If you are in fb I'm going to he a fan too. "like you".

Unknown said...

I'm following you and tweeted about the giveaway! I love these actions and anything with a vintage look. Happy Mother's Day to you and all the mothers out there!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!! What an exciting give away!!! I am a follower and I'm on my way to FB and tweet about it now on my Paris Atelier pages. So exciting!!! Thanks for such a fun and fabulous opportunity :)

Cindy said...

I just became a follower on your blog ~ I will be so excited if I win, never used presets but have read on many blogs that these are fabulous especially Shanna's from the Flora Bella collections.

Anonymous said...

how wonderful! i love, love, love the flora bella actions and have been trying so hard to be "good" and wait awhile before digging in with the spring actions. crossing all my fingers and toes!

vrob said...

I twittered here: http://twitter.com/vrobconsult/status/13694683247 and follow on Google Reader...

Here's hopin!

Jamie L. S. said...

I love Florabella's actions! I've become a follower and I'm going to FB to mention about the give away!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Kim
Well your gorgeous photos certainly do the collection credit.. I've been hoping for a while to invest in some of Florabella's incredible products.. new to photoshop myself but now hooked ,,it's an addiction...

Well seeing we are a little behind over here in Aus.. I just recently picked up the Romantic Homes magazine and saw your lovely write up.. congratulations... and well deserved... and yes I have been a follower for a while.. Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day.. xx Julie

Saurora said...

I'm a new follower and just discovered the gorgeous Flora Bella actions and now your ahhhh-mazing blog and photographs! Thanks for the opportunity...I posted on my FB account http://www.facebook.com/#!/susan.desisto?ref=profile

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower! Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Hello Kim, that is a lovely action to have :).

I have posted the announcement on twitter


Hope to hear, enter, and win from you in time ^_-

Talia said...

I am now a follower! Loooove those actions!!

Talia Audenart

team krasean said...

I'm now a follower! Thanks for the chance to win.

Keri Bryant said...

Love love love these actions and would loooooooove to win the spring set. Blogging about it now. Love your blog, too.
Bonne nuit et beaux reves!

GA+E said...

Love your new blog header! tres belle! :)

tiffany kay photography said...

Yay! I am so excited about this giveaway :) I have been craving florabella actions for sooo long now! I am a follower, I tweeted about you under my screen name Jeepgrl722, I also posted on my blog- tiffanykayphotography.blogspot.com! Thanks again :)

Sarah said...

oh, gorgeous.. really love the new spring sets... just started following and tweeting now!

Lisa@goodknits said...

Happy Mother's Day!!

I'm a new follower of the blog & twitter (goodknits).

Lis said...

I am a follower! Crossing my fingers!! I just bought the first three sets of actions, SO want to get the new spring actions too!

SoSoBella said...

i am a follower :O)
love her actions. am a huge fan of hers.

Jewels of My Heart said...

I am now a follower. All of the images in your post are just lovely and I love Shanna and her Florabella collection.

Alyssa said...

I want it! I want it! The three older sets have been on my wishlist for awhile! *crossing fingers*

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

Goodness, your photos are AMAZING!! I am now a follower! Thanks for the chance to win some of those beautiful actions, I might just have to invest some $ and buy them if I don't win them. ;) Hugs & Blessings!

Mikal said...

Love those photos!

Happy Mom's Day to you!


WannaBamomma said...

I just became a follower and I posted about the giveaway on my twitter (angieappy) my email is anspho@yahoo.com
LOVING the actions!!!

WannaBamomma said...

I just became a follower and I posted about the giveaway on my twitter (angieappy) my email is anspho@yahoo.com
LOVING the actions!!!

Melissa said...

morning kim- you are a doll- and *i'm back* to let you know i have been a HUGE follower for sooo long & have put you on both facebook and my blog....

have a lovely day with those boys of yours-i guess this is actually my 2nd entry....

melissa x

Melissa said...

ok lovely new friend- you have just been 'blogged' & face booked...my gorgeous kids think i'm mad doing this whilst organising the school morning- tee hee- multi tasking!

melissa xx

Pamela said...

:) Following you on twitter & I tweeted here http://twitter.com/pamelatopping

Esther said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I have been eyeing these forever now, but can't spend that money right now. I'm a follower and I posted about this giveaway on facebook! THANK YOU. :)

Anonymous said...

my hands were really itching to press the add to cart button on friday and purchase all the new actions,but i'm glad i waited ,you never know,there is always a chance of winning : ) : ) oooh,how i love all the florabella actions they are just so gorgeous ! i have posted an article on my blog about florabella and this giveaway at http://tryout-shutterlove.blogspot.com/

keeping my fingers crossed !!!!

Anna White said...

Hi Mimi,
Found your blog through Miss Sew and So...and am so glad I did..I am enjoying browsing through your posts and reading about your little adventures.
Thank you so much for holding this giveaway..what a fantastic giveaway..I can understand now why you fell head over heels..just stunning image effects. I have also blogged about this on my side posts.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Anna x

paige said...

i grabbed the spring actions friday & can hardly pull myself away from the computer too!

i would love to win the rest of her sets, LOVE

ok , i'm already a stalker, i mean follower. thanks for the wonderful giveaway
i'm off to tweet about you & fb too :)

Little Emma English Home said...

I'm blogging about the giveaway right now.... Fab update I'm so thrilled about it!!!

Nazia C. said...

I just became a follower and tweeted http://twitter.com/NazHanif I love flora bella!!

Cindy said...

i have posted about the contest and became a follower. thank you for the chance. now if i can take my dork hat off and figure out how to load them into my computer if i win!!!!!! :D

- said...

I tweeted about this fabulous giveaway. @springdaystudio.
Laura M.

Martha said...

beautiful photos Kim!!!! Love them...and Happy Mother's day to you!! Hope you had a wonderful day...and I'm definitely a follower of you!

Irene b said...

ho my God! I love Florabella actions... I asked it to my husband for my birthday: it will be fabolous to win ... A dream! I'll post it tomorrow , sure!

Irene b said...

Now I posted on my blog too... Sure I'm a follower and now I can only...cross my finger!

Pam said...

If Flora Bella could make my photos just a fraction closer to the beauty of yours.I would be so absolutely thrilled. I am already a follower-thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Laura Lu said...

What a fantabulous give-away!!!! Shana's talent is pure bliss!!!! I became a follower...whoohoo!!! :D

Chani said...

I'm so happy I found your beautiful blog! This is an amazing give away! I'm dreaming about making photopraphs like those...

Erica Rose said...

I became a follower...and posted about the give away on my facebook!

Thats the link to my profile.
Thanks for such a great give away...

Elsina said...

Awesome actions!! and giveaway! I follow and tweeted here: http://twitter.com/EMSarts

Anonymous said...

What an amazing giveaway!! Thank you

AP said...

Dzień Dobry

Jestem Ada,która z e-mailem tutaj



sweetwyo said...

mentioned on twitter, thanks!

Twig said...

Man...those pictures are incredible! I need to get photoshop...so this isn't an entry, just a note to say how awesome they make pictures look! Good grief...I try to do that on Picnik but it just ain't happenin' haha. Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

goodness knows I could use the pick me up!! ha ha and am dying to try the applications. I've followed you forever (or creeped as my teen says) and just posted your giveaway on my Facebook...but you probably know that by now. :)

way outnumbered said...

You now have another new follower! Have been wanting these for a while...totally hooked on her textures!

Orians said...

I have been looking at these actions for a long time and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get them! :)
I have posted a facebook comment about your giveaway!

Beth said...

What an awesome giveaway! I found you via Zaira's blog! I am a new follower! Love your blog and would love to have a chance at the actions! Thank you so much!
xoxo Beth

Beth said...

I have put up a link for the giveaway on the sidebar of my blog! Thanks again, xoxo Beth

Beth said...

I have also posted the giveaway on my facebook...
Thank you!

Beth said...

I have tweeted the giveaway at
Thank you!
xoxo Beth

The Celebration Co. said...

Wow what a treat please enter me..I am a follower and will tweet and F.B. about the give away...E.M.

Sharla said...

awesome giveaway Im a follower!!

Kateyed said...

Oh, sign me up, too. They are so beautiful!!! I know nothing about this and don't know what "actions" are but if they are your pictures, they are wonderful. I just got the easy Photoshop for Mother's Day...I am kind of a lamebrain at this tech stuff.

(come and visit us sometime...we are really not all about our jewelry!!!)

Mel said...

ooooh I would love to get these...I am linking this to fb and wish me luck!

MODERN Prairie Girl said...

Hey, babycakes--I'm tweeting about your giveaway b/c I desperately want the new ones and today I spent all my extra moo-la on a Lastolite 7'x8' hi-key softbox! yes...I have an equipment problem. I need to be a little bug on your shoulder while you're working with these actions...sometimes with faces I struggle with the layer masks...I need to be more fluent in Florabella-language.

Dreamy Whites said...

Dear Kimberly,
What a generous giveaway!
I would love to win!
I will post about it on Friday!
Love all of your beautiful photos!
Happy Mother's Day to you!
Take Care,

Dreamy Whites said...

I am a happy Follower!
Take Care,

monikaki said...

I do love your photos, your style and your writing as well..thanks for the fabulous giveaway!!!
Of course I am already a follower, hugs, Monica

FEDERICA said...

Oh please, count me in! I love Florabella actions!

Silke - PapierStudio said...

count me in also!! Now I'm a follower and also tweet this GIVE-AWAY. Twitter.com/silkebr Thank you for letting me know about these fabulous Florabella actions! Her site is awesome! And your place here is also very charmant! Thanks for the chance!

elizabeth primo photography said...



aaaaaah count me in.....

Jennifer said...

Oh I would absolutely LOVE LOVE to get my hands on these beautiful actions!! What a generous giveaway!!! I am so excited! I will post on my facebook page.http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1338436777&ref=profile. I need all the help I can get for my photos! :)

The Vintage-Flea said...

I would love to be the lucky one and get the new actions!! I just blogged about the ones I purchased a few months ago. I can't believe I waited this long to download them and try it out. Amazing!!


Valerie.. Flea Chick

Kathrine said...


Thank you and your dear friend for helping me on Saturday! I was so very happy to see your smiling face. I hope we can see each other soon again.


Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

*swoon* in ♥ w/ the photos on your blog. Thank you for the opportunity to win Flora Bella actions! You ROCK!
Tweeted @mamachanga

Unknown said...

not sure i entered correctly on my previous entry, so i am not officially following you via twitter! beautiful photos from france...swoon! xoxo

Gaia said...

I'm a follower (sure!) and I've written about your giveaway on my blog...


Gaia said...

I'm defenitely in!
I'd love to win Flora Bella actions, it's a great giveaway!

I was thinking to buy some sets...now I corss my fingers...

Laura@trendinozze said...

am i still on time for this? I'd kill for those actions ;) and just posted about that on fb.
oh and of course I'm a follower, I would've been anyway!

Stephanie said...

Beautiful Actions! The old & the new! What a sweet giveaway!

I am a new follower. :)
And I posted about the giveaway here:


elizabeth primo photography said...


Wray Party of Five said...

WOW..Kim, your photos are so beautiful and ispiring! The new Florbella actions are AMAZING! I have all of the previous actions and textures and I have to say I am ADDICTED. I dying to have the new spring actions. I am a new follower, I just "liked" your page on facebook, plus I posted on my facebook page. Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway!

erin's art and gardens said...

a new follower here...i'd love to win her actions!

Anonymous said...

Have just found your blog and am loving it. Would love to win these actions, hope I am not too late!!

Preppy Mama said...

Sign me up!! I am keeping everything crossed for this one! I have been dying to try Florabella!!!
I'm a follower!! Thanks!

Preppy Mama said...

Tweeted! http://twitter.com/Preppymama/status/14050403981


Preppy Mama said...

Posted on facebook!

Preppy Mama said...

Ok, I posted about it here: http://preppymama.blogspot.com/2010/05/oh-what-blessed-saturday.html

Please oh please pick me!!!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

I just became a follower and I tweeted about it. amazing giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love to learn about flora bella new actions. I will post on my blog.

posted by lori said...

I tweeted...

Kacey said...

I've been dying for some Florabella actions! Your photos are just gorgeous.