Last night will go down in the history of this family as one of *the* coolest nights ever.

It was a once in a lifetime deal.

The venue was absolutely incredible - the Gorge, here in George, Washington. Yes, you read that right. I know. We just figured it out last night...

And I want you to know - these two are truly the NICEST guys - honestly. The NICEST.

If you have never spent time hanging out with someone you really like on a tour bus for the afternoon, I highly recommend it~ (and your kids will think you are far cooler if you bring them along...)

I'd also like to say that three of us had been looking forward to last night for weeks now - but one of us just realized last night how incredibly cool the situation was. Any guesses?

We owe our entire evening to this man, who has known the Nickelback boys since childhood, and was kind enough to bring us along on this incredible ride. We love you Chris!!! (this would be my "other" chris. why yes, a girl can love two chrises at once!)

(and if there is any confusion on who is in the above photos - the handsome blond fellow is Chad Kroeger, and the hot guy in the grey t-shirt is his brother Mike. Honestly, nicest guys EVER.)
If you are ever able to get to one of their shows, I highly recommend it. It really was a fabulous evening~

(I thought I could sneak one more of us in, as we make such a lovely couple, don't you think...?)