~found here
Lately I am finding it difficult to find myself inspired.

I don't know what it is, but I am feeling a bit, well, out of sorts perhaps.
It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't feel that I have the desire to sit on my computer and find pretty things right now.
I am quite certain that it is simply that the end of summer is approaching and I am going into autumn mode.

Now, as many of you know, autumn is my very favorite season, and when I began to think about that this morning (seeing as it is cloudy and cool and terribly cozy today!) it lit a little spark deep inside of my inspired place.

This was a very good feeling, indeed~
Yes! I'm totally looking forward to the cooler air and getting cozy in long sweaters and boots. Your images are the perfect inspiration :)
oh I love your post...I adore Autumn..just thinking about it gets me excited ...the crisp air..our huge maple changing color...cozy pumpkins...I could go on and on! Thanks for warming my heart today!
Gorgeous images......I am SO ready for autumn, my favourite seaon too :) xoxo
Great fall images. I think there are so many of us looking forward to the fall season, and all the cozy comfort that it brings. I know I am!
Fall is a wonderful time of year.
Thanks for being so honest.
It's hard sometimes to feel inspired. Sometimes I just don't have much going on. I'm the not one who has constant projects going on and sometimes I'm not always sure people want to always hear about me.
It feels a bit self centered. I don't know...that is just what I feel. However, when i do have something to share it gets my wheels turning and I feel inspired again!
Enjoy autumn. I feel it's going to be a wonderful one!
I love the autumn, and we have beautiful ones here in the U.K.
I particularly love it, because my son got married in October last year and it was womderful.My daughter in law had hydrangeas and other autumn foliage and it was a very special time.
Thanks for bringing back fond memories. XXXX
Those photos are lovely! I used to like autumn, too. There was just something so refreshing about it after a long, hot summer. But, we don't get autumn in Grenada, although in the "wintertime" we do get cool weather that almost needs a sweater. We seem to all get a little un-inspired at times. Autumn may be just what you need to refresh.
Gorgeous inspiration! I love the little witch. I have tagged you! hope you don't mind, Have a great weekend! x
Hey beautiful lady ~ remember that we will always wait...sometimes impatiently for a post from you. This should not feel like work for you, so if a few days go by, so be it. I will still be here when you come back!
I'm so glad there are those who love autumn... I hope it gravitates to you & away from me, dear Mimi.
I'm very curious about the blue-gray pumpkins/gourds... have never seen that pretty color before.
Pleasant weekend, my pretty pink friend.
I am looking forward to Fall, I enjoy the cooler weather. That is a cute little witch sitting at the bottom of the stairs. Have a nice weekend. Sandi
I am with you every word... I am not very inspired these days either... I am hoping it will pass. I love Fall. It alone makes me happy~ I wish you all the pumpkin patches and fresh cider and spooky wistles in the wind... to inspire my little friend who must keep her pretty chin up~
Love you!
Thank you, Kimberly. You've inspired me...I'm going to walk out the door...and take a load of yard waste to the dump. Yes, I am. It is all very exciting. It is a gorgeous, sunny, breezy day just over the hills from you. However, standing here..sipping on my green mint frosted latte..I'm actually a bit chilly. Soon it will be time to start ordering yummy, hot, spicy drinks. Autumn is my favorite season too...there is just so much to do to get ready for it. I was sleepy today whilst returning from a yard sale on a charming little farm up the hill. But yes, you've inspired me..now I will go to the dump...so I can return home and work on some pretty fall projects!
I love the last image, autumn is quite magical I think!
I love Frenchblues comment, so beautiful with the cider, wind and pumkins ... sigh.
sweet thoughts to you,
What a charming post!I am also eagerly anticipating fall.
Just what I needed to get ready for the change of seasons... we've loved our summer so I have been sad that it is slipping away but now with your pictures and cozy thoughts I am excited for the change,
beautiful images. i too love autumn - my favorite. seeing all your photos has me ready for it. plus the weather here in illinois really feels like fall right now.
it is a part of the cycle of creativity to be uninspired...it is ok, and necessary at times:) thank you for the autumn photos - it is my very favorite season.
i'm always sad when it's the end of summer ( because i love to have 2 months of holidays lol) ! But the perspective of fall make me smile : i'm so il love with chilly days , fall foliage, seeking mushrooms , pumpkins soups !!!! and putting a big wooled sweater : pleasure !
you're so kind ! english is not my first lenguage : I learnt it in junior and high school but i love talking and reading in english . It's a big big compliment to receive : i always doubt about my capacity to wrote and spelling well your lenguage ! THANKS !!!
I'd say you found some happy, happy finds! Fall is my fave season hands down. I always am ready for it by now. Glad I'm not the only one :)
let me know if i can help out, you know...with the inspiration part. a photo meet perhaps when you can sneak away for a few hours.. or an entire day even, with breakfast croissants in our camera bags, smooshed but ever so good with our thermos of coffee. lunch somewhere that is discovered quite by accident as we drive the roads looking for the perfect place to park and walk the fields in search of that photograph that will make you sing with happiness.. i am right here and waiting for the day you are ready to celebrate with 'Francis' and me and 'Gracie'. yes i did finally discover the perfect name my constant camera companion.
Love your pumpkin pictures. We are in the middle of almond harvesting in my neck of the woods, so it's pretty hot and dusty, hence my inspiration is null. Thanks for reminding me of Fall coming just around the corner. Mumzie :)
oh, I needed that autumn inspiration!! Thank you!! Hope the end of summer went well for you!! Coffee and anthropologie soon??
xoxo, Tiffany
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