It is only January 13th and already I seem to have lost my grip on my plans for a nice, well-balanced, quality over quantity year. As I sit here this morning looking ahead at my day, the only word that comes to mind is "whirlwind". Somehow, in my attempt to be more purpose driven, things became a bit ambitious and my days have become JAM PACKED with things that need to be accomplished. What happened?!?
Now, I know I am not alone in this. I know that many of us start out with the best of intentions. We think that we are going to focus on just a few important things - really give those things our all. For me, it was going to be my photography, cooking healthier and more balanced meals, spending time with friends really enjoying their company, running, and studying my French.
However, somehow, my photography has been horribly neglected (unless I am taking photos for my etsy shop), dinners have been nearly non-existent (as my husband hasn't been here for dinner since the new year and I tend to get lazy without him around), and while I have booked some time to get together with friends, I find that my mind is already on what else needs to get done that day, rather than really just enjoying my time with them. How awful!
(on a good note, I have been running and studying my French more than usual - come on, let's focus on the positive, shall we?)
The beautiful thing about life is that every day is a new day. EACH. AND. EVERY. ONE. So, on this NEW DAY, I am going to wipe away my current plan du jour (quick coffee with friend, shop for things for a project I am working on, groceries, home to work on said project, post office, running, homework with boys, drivers ed for #1, work on said project again, bed) and instead, enjoy time with a girlfriend, get to the shopping ~ if I do ~ , go for a run, and then make a lovely dinner for my boys (sans mon mari). The rest of it can wait (#1 has arranged a ride to drivers ed - yeah me!).
Sometimes, I get rushing so quickly in one direction that I can't seem to see things clearly. I tend to scramble my priorities and instead just get this "GO GO GO" attitude that is really no good for anyone - especially me.
So please, please, pretty please - tell me you do this sometimes. Really, one of you must?