I apologize for being so absent lately. Things have been busy on the farm, I have been in full-planning mode for THE FRANCE TRIP, as well as looking forward to my weekend with some of my favorite ladies this coming weekend. I love when life is rolling along, busy but exciting. I do wish I had more time to post though, as I really do have all sorts of fun things to tell you~

Today was a bit crazy, in an inspired sort of way. I had a few errands, an appointment, and then the day was mine! Lately I had been reading the back-posts of a fabulously inspiring blog written by a hilarious friend of ours (and edited occasionally by her equally amusing husband). She is an incredible cook and there seems to be no end to what she can prepare. Thus, when I came across her "tex-mex" post - something I have never attempted, it looked so amazing that I HAD to see what I could do. I mean, honestly, my family would LOVE it and as I am forever searching for fabulous ideas to please this family's palate, this seemed like just the thing.
~this delicious recipe found here - thanks Kasey!

I found a wonderful tex-mex cookbook with some delicious looking recipes at our local Half-Price Books - one of my favorite bookstores. I decided on what I wanted to make and made a list of what I needed. I hit the grocery and then came home to spend the afternoon playing in the kitchen. It truly was an incredible spring afternoon and once again I remembered what I love most about Seattle. You see, handsome husband and I love our cozy, gray, rainy Seattle days. I love to cook hearty stews, he loves to paint, we read, watch movies, play with the boys, and generally enjoy our wonderful home. But then these gorgeous days appear - far more often than we usually remember. And when that gorgeous sun shines, the people of Seattle truly appreciate it. We are grateful for our beautiful weather. We smile more, there is a bounce in our step, drivers are more patient in traffic, shoppers are courteous at the grocery, far more greetings are passed between strangers. And springtime sunshine? It inspires me to cook party food, summer food, European slow-cooking. It also makes me want a good margarita, or a mojito. Heaven... Don't even get me started on summer fruit - strawberry angel food cake tonight for example~

Handsome husband should be home soon, boys will gather around the table, and with the windows open, we will enjoy a summer-like dinner together. Nirvana, in my opinion~
(oh, and 13 days my friends, 13 days...)