lately my mind has been going a mile a minute trying to "figure it all out". mid-life crisis you ask? (yes, I will be turning forty this coming november...) I have been talking to friends, making my husband *crazy*, and living in my own head far too much when it comes to the concept of {what does it all mean}.
now before you go and say "what on earth do you have to figure out" - please know - I love my life. I have a marvelous, incredibly blessed existence. I have four incredible boys, a very generous husband, *the best* friends, and a home that I cherish. I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with my kids, spending time watching them grow into strong, positive, kind young men.
however, do you ever feel like you have more to offer? I think for me, it is about balance and right now, I am feeling the scale is a bit heavy on one side. you see, I have spent my entire adult life being a wife, and then a mom - raising these boys, keeping our home running, supporting my husband and his own very successful business. and while I love living this life, I think, as my boys are growing older, I am now seeing that maybe there is also something out there for me - something that is mine alone and has nothing to do with being a wife or a mom. I don't want to leave or dismiss what I currently have, but I would like to enrich it and find my niche so to speak.

the other evening, while having one of my "Ineedsomethingofmyownto feel likeIcandomorethanbeawifeandmother" moments, my husband said something to me that made me stop and think. he said "you need to decide what you want and own it." OWN IT. hhmmm... I like it. I can use that. because you know I seem to be surrounded by people who are passionate about what they do - the are amazingly talented in whatever area of expertise they are living in, and clearly, they are owning it. it is theirs and they live it to the fullest. that is what I want - that is where I am going.
yes, I have spoke about this before - and I know I am not alone in my search. maybe it is simply taking me a bit longer to narrow down what it is that I want to be fulfilled with - what path I am meant to wander down. I think that photography is definitely the direction - but that is like saying "I need to head west"... I find it easier to pinpoint what I *don't* want to shoot rather than what I do. but this too is working itself out over time.
with the help of my wonderful web designer, I have been working on a photography website these past few months. why? you ask.. well, I'm not sure. I simply needed to make a step forward and it seemed like something that I could do for now, until more of my destination is clear. so, in the coming days, I hope to have it up and be able to share it with you. because you have all been so incredibly supportive, and AMAZINGLY inspiring (some days you have no idea how inspiring!). I truly do appreciate how kind and thoughtful you are~
so, time to go for a run and ruminate a wee bit more before starting my sunday. oh, how I do adore these weekends~
have a lovely day mes amies!
all images found here, because he ALWAYS inspires me...