As usual the weekend went by far too quickly for my liking. While we were able to get quite a number of things done, I still feel like time was fleeting, and I didn't have enough quality time spent simply enjoying being together.
One thing that seems to be accomplished every weekend this summer is house painting. You see, my husband is painting the exterior of our home, one gallon each weekend, applied with a two inch brush. Yes, you heard me correctly - a TWO INCH BRUSH. While this might seem like the act of a crazy man - and you might ask yourself "why would a man paint the entire exterior of a relatively large house with such a small brush?", I would like to offer you this insight into my husband. This is a man who has a LOT of mental output each and every day at work. He is under quite a bit of stress most days. This is also a man who, with four boys and a wife, doesn't have a lot of "man time". He doesn't golf, he doesn't play poker, he doesn't go to the gym. What he does love, however, is quiet time to think - time to process all of that crazy, hectic, busy business of the week in his head. And if you are wondering, a gallon of paint and a two inch brush take about four hours each weekend to apply. Four hours where, for the most part, he is alone - a man and his paint brush. Only the sounds of the birds and the waterfall from the pond to distract him. So this painting the house project - it is a good thing for my husband. And let us not forget - we are getting a fresh coat of paint as an added bonus! I am loving how wonderful the house is looking~

So while dear husband is painting away, I find myself busy with all sorts of things. This weekend for instance, I was able to work on some of my linen flower necklaces that I have been listing on Etsy. They are coming along nicely, and I am hoping to get them sent out early this week.
I was also able to take some shots of my new frames from the Barn House flea. I love them in the main floor bath, and can't bring myself to remove the tags as they are so cute!
I cut some flowers from my very dry gardens. The zinnias seem quite happy and as this is the first year I have planted them, I am absolutely loving their bright, warm colors in the middle of the vegetable boxes.
I brought some in to put them in my vintage inkwells to add some color to the island. Aren't the colors fabulous?
I also cut some blue hydrangeas as they are in full bloom. The blue always brightens up the main floor bath and while it isn't my favorite blue, I really enjoy flowers in the house and hydrangeas are a favorite.
This week promises to be a hot one, so my plan will be to get any work that must be done taken care of first thing in the morning, and then split my time between having boys in the sprinkler and finding cool things to do elsewhere. The forecast is for the mid-90s most days, and for those of you outside of the pacific northwest, most of us don't have air conditioning here... Especially when one lives in a 1928 farm house...
Have a fabulous week my friends,