I don't know why it took me so. very. long. to get this post out. I had the photos edited the day after the show, but getting the post itself together just wasn't happening. Alas, as it was such a GREAT show, I definitely want to share these photos with you.
The show itself, organized and orchestrated by the very talented (and ambitious - a show of this size is nothing short of amazing) Funky Junk Sisters. They were so kind to let me in early on Friday evening so that I could get some photos before the flood gates opened and all of those incredibly excited shoppers hit the booths. The darling miss Dixie was at the door when I arrived with my dear friend Tiffany of Shabby Scraps. I didn't get the chance to meet sister Linda but look forward to doing so in the near future.
The show itself is a collection, and a large collection at that, of vendors from the pacific northwest. There was a wide variety of eclectic items, vintage goods, beautiful creations, and all around sparkly goodness. There were endless treasures and I didn't go home with nearly enough (in my opinion - my husband would disagree...).
If you do get a chance to go to a Funky Junk Sisters show, I highly recommend that you do. We simply don't have enough of these sorts of shows in the pacific northwest. I love the idea of re-purposing items rather than running out to the local Ikea whenever possible. Supporting shows like this enables them to grow and the growth of this particular industry is something I can really get behind.
So, without further ado, the photos~

Thanks to the following vendors for generously letting me take photos of their beautiful booths
And the following vendors who don't have blogs or websites~
Victoria Gifts & Home Decor
Loretta Morgan - Ribbon Art and Fine Gifts
Bentham Green Studio
Pickle Patch Originals
If you see something from your booth and I didn't include your link, please send me an email as I wasn't able to get cards from every vendor~