I am not sure I can come up with words to describe how incredible this past weekend was. Thus, as I want to share some of my photos with you as soon as possible, I will post some of them now, and post more with my write up on the weekend soon!
Honestly, SO. WONDERFUL.
Oh, except a couple of things...
J & J are the most magnificent of hosts, and I am not sure magnificent is a big enough word to get the sentiment across.
There really was something for EVERYONE at this sale - the vendors were incredible. I PROMISE to have the links to all of the vendors who have sites and who gave me their cards tomorrow. Pinky promise.
Somehow, I am missing some of the photos I took... I am also missing a camera - this camera to be exact:

It is the Wales Reflex on the right. If anyone has seen it, I beg of you, please let me know so I can find a way to get it back! I bought it the morning of the sale and it has gone missing... (insert pitiful tears here)
Update: I am thrilled to report that the fabulous Joe found my camera this morning! One more thing to thank those boys for~
Truly F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!
FYI: I'm having giveaway on my blog-If you're interested...
Giveaway ~ Courteney Cox New Perfume
~ Kelly Ann~
I hope you find your camera! As for the photos, that's no flea market, that's a DREAM! Would love to have been there.
Oh wow, the flea looks absolutely amazing......fantastic!!!
My goodness...you must have been floating on cloud 9 all weekend long! Look at this exquisite treasure chest of beautiful things!
WOW I LOVE those number pillows! What did you buy? Did they all LOVE your linen roses? I do! Have a great week home with your boys~
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! What an amazing weekend you must have had!
PS - I hope you find your camera!!
...GOODNESS...GRACIOUS...this IS HeAvEn!!!
Wow!! Such awesome things. You are so fortunate!
OK, I was already head over heels for Barn House {gazing at them on blogs from afar in California} but your pictures have sent me over the top! Honestly, I think you've captured the day better than they did, sorry boys! Your photography is amazing. I hope you don't mind i'm going to copy a couple pictures and credit them back to you and include you in my upcoming "birds of a feather" post... these pictures are too good to miss!
Take care,
I see some things that take my breath away... ! Surely some kind soul will find & return your camera.
Dear Mimi, thank you for your lovely comment on "Listening". It stuck with me as I pondered it.
Your Barn weekend looks gorgeous, they look like "my people" too, the neutrals, the rustic, the wood. It was dreamy, even down to those gorgeous framed bottles.
I collect old cameras too and hope you retrieve this one. Have a lovely, lovely weekend. You deserve it.
ooooh you got some good pics! :) I hope you got as many awesome things as I did! :)
Susan @ www.peanutpetunia.blogspot.com
If I'd have been there ( I wish ) I would have had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming....heaven...absolute heaven...we don't have such good flea markets in the U.K. so I'm soooo jealous....Hope you get your camera back. XXXX
Oh what a truly FABULOUS time you had girl. Wow!
It sounds wonderful and J & J do too, so fantastic they found the camera too, you must be over the moon.xxxx
Holy moley!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to go get a cloth & wipe up the puddle of drool at my feet.
Glad you had a divine time!!!
What a wonderful flea market! Just perfect...wish I had been there! Take care, Caroline
You are the most adorable sweet photographer in all of puppet land, thank-you so much for including my goofy cakes in with all those beauteous shots.
Hope to see you again, Lulu
Fantastic! I oogled over so many things in the pictures. My pocket book thanks you for showing them to me..if I was there, it would be empty!
kim i was so looking forward to coming by a visit today :) your blog is so pretty, all white and many pastel photos. and such variety to choose from! food, antiques, your art and your photography which is fabulous, friends, your beautiful boys!
your photos from the sale...i have to say i love your eye for the details. all that silver, pewter and white you found! my favorites are the three little salt shakers in a stepped up row and the vintage canister set. such perfect focus!
i don't have adequate command of descriptive language to say how much fun it was to meet and hang out with you and tiffany this weekend. You were so welcoming, friendly and funny. I definitely plan to take you up on your suggestion that we meet somewhere between to take a photo walk.... how about if you suggest some time in september since i know your august is completely booked already. i am so looking forward to the next opportunity to see you!
OMG...did my pictures get "dissed" on your blog?? LOL :o) Actually, I must agree with Kari...you captured some incredible shots! Thank you for being here and taking such great care of us and our friends that were such an essential part of the success of this show.
How special our grocery store run was, right??!!! Thanks for keeping me on track...and thanks for being one of our highlights of this incredible weekend. We miss you already...
J & J
I am so glad it was all you thought it would be!! I am still so jealous and continue to live it through you, so keep those photos coming! Not only did I miss this wonderful show, but the Carolyn Westbrook show at her plantation here in my own back yard. I was off to retreve a child from camp in Arkansas (sadly my oldest picked up another week of counseling at the camp...I won't have him home until the 2nd week of August). Lovely Pictures!!! xoxo kim
Kimberly, these photos are amazing, as I knew they would be, thank you for sharing! I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time and that you found your camera...I love it by the way...anything else you picked up, I am curious to know! I am still a wee bit jealous my dear..sigh! Can't wait for more photos! XO
Ohhh....what a LUCKY girl! I so wish I could have been there! Texas is just too far! Thank you for sharing all of your pretty photos...HEAVEN....and I am jealous! Can't wait to see the rest! I am also happy you found your lovely camera!
Hi! We had such a magical weekend and you captured it all in your photos. Thank you for including Junebug in your pics...but, most of all it was so much fun getting to know all of you, and thanks again for finding my serving spoon!! You took great care of our needs and made our stay wonderful. You are an absolute doll!! Best, Glad & Celia
These pictures are amazing....looks like you have a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing :)
Hi Kim or would you rather I call you Mimi?
I have a hard enough time with keeping names straight and then I have all the blog names to remember too?? Well my sweet Kim I will always remember yours and I am so very happy that we could spend enough time together to get acquainted. It was an amazing weekend and I know the
BH Boys appreciated having you there lending a willing and able hand. I am anxious to see the rest of your photos and I am so glad Joe found your camera. Remember I had a camera crisis of my own... I had locked it in the truck so I wouldn't loose it...
OH MY GOSH. I want to move into those photos....they are gorgeous!!!! Cant wait to see the vendor links...
je rêve de voir la suite....
mais ce que j'aimerai le plus c'est de m'y rendre!
merci de nous faire partager mimi charmante
Oh my! I could spend hours and hours in a flea market like this!!
I am doing a campaign to raise money to mount a minibiblioteca Community and other activities for children and adolescents in my community here in Rio de carente janeiro.Cansei to wait until today that the government or asphalt placed, children may not be so abandonadas.Preciso the aid of all people of good heart. I ask only that I send a letter to A $ 20.00, or 5.00 euros in. This money will be used for purchase of books, shelves, tables, chairs, baskets Basic (food), etc.Quem can help me send me an email to: asilvareis10@gmail.com, I give the address for shipment. May God protect us all.
I so wish we had markets like that here. It looks absolutely fabulous and I am so jealous, mind you your photography makes it even more beautiful and desirable.
i'm such a goober...i couldn't wait for this post because i knew it'd be just like being there!
love these images, what an amazing event.
so glad you found your camera too.
what did you buy??
I'm so glad you found your camera! It is a beauty. I'm also glad [and thankful] that you posted so many wonderful images of this flea. We just don't have the same sort of fleas here. Nothing like this beauty! Great post!
Kim, I had such a great time getting to know you better, you truly are a wonderful, caring person and so much fun to be around!!! And what an angel you were helping us unload our trailer...!!! I hope we can meet up again soon and have some more fun, I would love to spend more time with you!!!!
Hi Kim - It was so wonderful to meet you in person, finally! You were as fabulous in person as you are in blog land! Thank you for everything you did at Barn House, you're amazing!!!
Your pictures are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
I want one of EVERYTHING!
I just discovered your blog via Lissa' blog...and I can't believe I haven't been here before! It's just beautiful!! And your Etsy items are gorgeous! So much talent! I'll definitely be back!
Oh... every time I see photos from a BH event I want to pick up my bags and move closer! I manage to always find something in a photo wishing...
It looked like a whole lot of FUN!! I'm glad your camera found its way home. xoxo
Kim - looks wonderful as they always do - however, they promised bigger and better this time and looks like they delivered. Can't wait to hear more about it. Are you still heading to MN in August? I WILL be at Oronoco on 8/14...Jill
i love your blog, and all of these lovely photos. i wish i had been there~!
Was so much fun to look through the pictures ... I didn't take any photos so I enjoyed reliving Saturday. So many things I forgot about, but you took me right back.
Thanks for sharing!
Betty :)
Can I say how fantastic your photos are? I SO would have loved to have been there - my idea of what heaven would be like, indeed.
Everything about the weekend looks amazing and perfect! I bet your food was a huge hit. The photos are gorgeous!
This flea looks like it was SO much fun! Wow. Wonderful pictures showing the day.
Fantastic! I am so jealous! What a wonderful flea market! What a beautiful post, Thank you..
OH! I need, need, need to shop at the Barn House. It looks so much like my house - only better! MUCH better.
What a great place to be there and walk...and buy...all this beautiful antique treasuries.
Wish i could be there...right now :-)
Lovely regards from germany.
Your blog is gorgeous !
gosh~~ there are so much lovely stuff ~~ I don't see any flea market selling these in my country :(
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