I wanted to post a few more photos of the incredible treasures that were available this past weekend at the barn house flea. It really was quite endless - I walked all of the booths at least 15 times and each time found something else that I hadn't seen before. If you get a chance to go to one of the barn house sales, or to one of the queen of tarte's sales, I highly recommend it.

~this fabulous pink dodge truck rolled up during the show and I had to take a photo or two. can you imagine how fun it would be to drive around it this??? and yes, the interior is just as pretty and pink as the outside...

The most significant part of this weekend for me was the people that were a part of it all. From the fabulous vendors with their incredible work ethic, their amazing sense of humor, and their generosity, to Tiffany and Robin, whom I now call my true (photography) friends. These people work hard, but they also know how to have fun at the end of the day. I spent time on Saturday afternoon with Tiffany and Robin talking about photography, and photoshop, and all things wonderful. I can't tell you how amazing it is to find like-minded women who love their photography as much as I do, and who inspire me to get out there and expand my comfort zone. We talked about doing a photography afternoon together and I can't wait to set it up!

~I don't have adequate words to describe the queen of tarte. I could say that she is over-the-top fun, endlessly kind, has a great sense of humor, is welcoming to everyone she comes in contact with, and has the hardest working husband ever, but it doesn't really give you a sense of how wonderful she is. you really need to meet her yourself to understand~

~these three just might have been separated at birth... they are so fun to be around and so clearly enjoy their friendship - it is a treasure and such a pleasure to see~

~laurie (behind the counter) hugged me the minute we met and it was as if we were old friends. she is so incredibly warm and wonderful - as is her sister-in-law debbie who really needs a blog... (hint hint)

~deb (and her husband bob) had me in stitches all weekend long! they are gorgeous people inside and out, they set the bar incredibly high, and then welcome everyone else to enjoy their hard work. Deb also has a nose for the most exquisite perfumes...

~I had met lisa at farm chicks when she sold me a tutu that I wore from the moment it became mine. she is someone who always seems to be smiling and is such fun to spend time with! I am so happy that I was able to get to know her (and her booth partner Isabel) better. I look forward to our next weekend together!

~this is the gorgeous outdoor dining area underneath the barn house pergola. from the lighting to the pergola to the fire pit, it was so clearly right out of a magazine~

~these two really were in essence what it was to be a shopper at the flea. connie and tia were friends who were there to enjoy the show, and I really do think they enjoyed it! they were so much fun, they clearly had a great time finding treasures to take home (as I believe they took home a number of things...) and I had such a nice time visiting with them. there was such great energy at the show and if you had to take a photo of it, this is pretty much what it would look like~

I promised you links to the vendors and I am hoping that I haven't forgotten anyone. If I have, please shoot me an email and I will quickly add them!
Before I go...

I'd like to tell you a little bit about the two creative geniuses behind all of this. Joe and Jermonne are truly exceptional people. They not only pulled together a large event while considering every last detail, but they hand-selected the group of vendors that were to participate. They brought together this incredible group of creative like-minded people who, even though some of them had never met, spent evenings together laughing and telling stories and laughing some more like they were long lost friends. I can't tell you how many times I looked around at the group, some of whom I had known for less than 12 hours that first night and thought Wow, how fortunate am I to have been invited to spend a weekend surrounded by such inspirational people. They were far and above the bests hosts I have ever seen - no request was too big or too small for them to accommodate. They truly are one of a kind and I am so grateful to have been invited to participate in such an amazing event. Thank you guys~

~I'm pretty sure that was some imported apple juice that looks remarkably like beer. There was a lot of imported apple juice that weekend...
Fabulous!!!!! One year I am coming over and you are taking me there :)
Awww....HEAVEN! Thank you for taking me there with you...with your BLOG of coarse! I wish I did not live so far away! I am in AWE....
I enjoy you and your blog so much!
Amy Rose
Must have those shells...and the pink truck!!! Thanks for sharing. I will have to live vicariously through you. So glad I found your blog!!! Stop on over to mine for a giveaway! :)
Oh take me someday please:) That looked amazing. I like your angle on it too, by showing not just the goodies...but the beautiful people there also. Great post.
What a beautiful post, Miss Mimi. I love your sweet way with words. A great deal of that soft light in your photos was surely bouncing off of you & all those lovely people.
Oh I'm with Simone....we are coming together so that you can take us....what lovely people , I want to meet all of them they seem so nice....what a wonderful weekend you had. XXXX
wow....what a wonderful weekend full of memories. Thanks for all the great photots!
wow- fun people, fantastic sets full of wonderful items , and the pink truck -I Must have one!!
Thank you SO much for sharing your photo's and experience with us. Next best thing to being there. The guys and the others just sound so totally gorgeous, you lucky thing.xxx
Thanks for all the great links. I miss going to Flea Markets & your pictures made me missing it even more. What a fun time shopping & socializing! Your blog is great.
I KNEW I would LOVE your photos! You make me wish I has put some more effort into mine! I LOVE how yours get that creamy quality to them! I'm so glad you found your camera! I could kick myself for not taking my girl's photo by the pink truck!!
Beautiful pictures and words on this past weekend. It was really special to have so many of our friends here (new and old). Thank you for documenting these moments in time...your generousity overflows.
J & J
It was truly wonderful getting to spend time with you last weekend. Wish we had even more time to laugh and chat. I don't even mind sharing "our boyfriend" with someone as sweet as you. hee hee Can't wait to see you next month!
Kim (and for one reason or another, I now think of you as Kimmy... why IS that?), I just love the way your photos have captured the very essence of the energy that enveloped us all this past weekend. Absolutely stunning, my dear. And your words are too kind...
sounds do dreamy! Ilove all the little details.
Great post...you captured the BH show perfectly - wonderful finds and amazing people. Great to meet you as well! Am sure I will see you at another BH show.
it was so wonderful to bond this weekend, it filled my soul and heart, and for that I thank you! you were also a god send with the RV troubles I was having, and yo made me feel safe to drive home, so thank you thank you! Starbucks and our talks were great!
Hope we see each other again soon !
when are we taking our photo roadtrip??
xoxo, Tiffany
That pink truck!!! Aaahhhhhhh!!
I must coming!
i'm so jealous...looks like so much fun.
I am always happy to hear about your fun times and see the fabulous photographs that make it feel like we're there.
What fun! Wish I could have been there in person!
Kim, your photos are amazing as always, and your words are so sweet...I loved seeing the last photo, because every good host needs to be able to enjoy the party as well! Thank you for sharing, I think I am flying up to the next one to spend the weekend with you! :)
Oh my stars! The photos of the weekend gave me the sense of actually being there. I so LOVE the pink truck!! My dream some day is to own a vintage truck. Thank you for the list of vendors. I will for sure take a peek! xoxo
Oh Kim...how I miss you already. Reading your post made me tear up a bit just thinking about our "after party" and all of the laughter, tears and stories. Until next time...xoxoxo Cindy
Oh how I enjoyed meeting you this past weekend. You were right about the instant friendships forged... I know I am new to the group but I felt so at home. I loved your pix and glad you captured the Pink Truckkk...You are wonderful. Sandy, The Tattered House.
Hi Kim , It was so nice seeing you at Barn House. I'm so glad your found more treasures from my booth. I love knowing that they are in your lovely home. Your photos are So Beautiful!! xoxo Sue
Looks like a fabulous time with really fun people! I wish I lived closer!
Hi Kim.
You are as good with words are you are with the photo's you really captured the essence of the weekend. I was so glad that you didn't share any of the photo's you took of me with the "Wide Angle"... ;
Great photos! It was so fun to meet you in person. I'm looking forward to seeing you around the neighborhood.
Loving the photos, so rustic and pretty.
Your blog is a JOY!!!! Love it . The pictures are wonderful and very inspiring!
Your photos have blown me away!!! What a lovely blog you have created,all the best,Chrissy
Beautiful pictures of what looks like a truly amazing weekend! So fun to see everyone's pics who went...
:) T
I am jealous!! Wish I could have gone. Stan
beautiful beautiful post! what amazing photos + finds + friends.
great blog! please check out mine :) gio
What a wonderful event. Your photos are beautiful, looking at them I really felt like I was there.
you have such a wonderful way with words. i read this through twice just to be able to remember and soak up all the goodness that you so wonderfully captured here. I smiled and blushed at your comment today on my blog and if you are adoring me then i must be loving you because truly i so want to meet you at the crossroads for a day (or weekend!) to continue the never ending story that we have begun.
say when!
Oh, I do dream of attending one of the Barn House or Queen of Tarte events. Lucky, lucky you to spend the day with wonderful Robin.
Pure gorgeous! I drooled over every last photo. Is it just a coincidence that the participants/patrons all seemed to match the decor?
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