This week we are experiencing heat the likes of which we have not seen in a very long time, if ever. This would not be an issue were we to live in a place that is used to this, thus, equipped with luxuries such as air conditioners... Growing up in the midwest, I was used to this, but now, not so much...
I think that when we are given challenging circumstances, it can bring out the creative, ingenious (if I may) parts of us that would otherwise not be necessary. Yesterday for example, I think that I was quite creative~

it's great to meet you too friend!
i am going to have a blast with boys i know. i already do with my hubs and little one. i'm potty training ..good times.
Love these photos...there is nothing better than a tub with water on the lawn!
how adorable! that is the best looking swimming pool if you ask me!
ps.. we are working on that etsy! i have my account now and am taking pics today! thanks for your encouragement!
Those are great. Try to keep cool:)
very cute photos. how fun!
My kids used to love to go swimming in the horse trough! How cute these are and certainly brought back memories!
Oh my! Those have to be some of the cutest pictures I've ever seen!! What a fun (and adorable) way to beat the heat!
Great idea, and fabulous, fabulous photos! It's been very hot here, too -- which is so unusual for the coast!! Bleh! I'm grabbing my goggles and squirt gun, ask the boys to make room. hehe.
xo Isa
Looks like you are making the most of it.......the snorkels are priceless! Great pics, we have much to learn from little ones on how to have good simple fun.
That is way too cool. We used to use the round old wash tubs to cool our girls off. One time we went to a hot springs in a remote area of Idaho and in the bath houses they had those horse waters used as the tubs. My girls thought they were cool. Stay cool.
You will involuntarily envy these lovely
Ooooh how sweet!! I love that one little guy had on goggles...toooo cute!!
They look as if they are having a great time.....I used to do the same with my children...sometimes they used to complain as their friends had proper little paddling pools...but they enjoyed it all the same.... as Mel said, there is nothing better than a tub with water on the lawn. XXXX
Adorable....totally and utterly, xv.
Love these!! How can you be so hot and look sooo cute?
Karen Eileen
OOO! It is hot in NW! I am ready for a fall day!I know I'm being so wrong! lol love your pics! come visit over at by blog. Would love to have you!
Oh! What great pics!!! Can you send some heat this way prety please? We'll trade you some rain for it:)
Good times....fabulous idea!!
The goggles make this picture absolutely precious!!
Keep cool and enjoy the rest of your day!! Hufs xOxO, Nerina :)
Brilliant, Kim, love it.... Now I want to see pictures of you and your husband in there.... Hehe!!Preferably with the goggles and water guns!!!! Now, that would be fun!!
i just found your blog and LOVE it! and that necklace is wow! beautiful! i would have loved to have it for this weekend! i cant wait to read more!
Love this! Where can I get one just like it?
Hugs to you!
P.S. Laughing at Isabel's comment.
cute kidlets...just don't let any loose cows wondering the farm drink those boys!
oy lord! i love that! such sweet pictures. thanks for sharing.
Love those photos and the cute children.
This is my first time visiting. I love how you say you are wanting to raise the best future husbands ever :) I second that. The picture of your two boys in the tub is just precious. Looks like just the thing for a hot hot hot day.
I wish there was room in that pool for me! We north-westerners are the best whiners ever! If it's hot we complain, if its raining we want it to be hot....I am trying to enjoy our sunshine as much as possible.It will be fall before we know it, so get out the hose and slip and slide, make it a good summer!Hope to see you and # 3 again.
Such adorable pictures!! Looks like the best way to cool down ever!!!
Kim this is sooo cute!!!..and smart too but still the photos are so adorable. I miss the age where two could fit in a tub.
Stay cool ...somehow. You're definitely getting more farenheit than usual. I hope the current finally sees some sense & delivers you back to normal.
Now that is totally adorable, really.
Oh, these are fantastic! Perfect, happy-making summer photos.
oh my goodness I love this Kim!! tooo cute...yes the kids too! :) XO
You my friend are just too good! Great great photos!!!
You are the best and I LOVE your new necklaces!
i'd love to relax in that bucket!! it looks so lovely!
How adorable are these shots! Love, love, love them!
Those are such precious photos! We're suffering in the heat too :)
These are darling pics. I been in a horse trough before. Why you may ask since i didn't grow up on a farm. It was when I was giving birth to my first child. I wanted to do a underwater birthing and my midwife showed up with this huge trough in her big truck. I gasped, I thought it was going to be a large kiddie pool. lol. thanks for sharing these. They are really cute.
What absolutely amazing photos of your boys - they really made me smile. You are a very talented photgrapher - with amazing boys in front of the camera too :-) xo
ohhh!this is so cute!i want one too!
so stinkin cute.
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