Today is one of those days during the year that I wake with very mixed emotions. On one hand, I am so excited that my two big boys are heading out on their annual Canadian camping adventure with family. They look forward to this week for months - sleeping outdoors, living in the lake, cooking over a fire. And I am so happy for them having the opportunity to go.

But on the other hand, my heart feels heavy at the thought of them leaving for a week. I always miss them - their laughter, their quickness to help whenever needed, their love. I am sad that they won't be here for our BBQ on the 4th as I know how much they enjoy having guests over, shooting off fireworks, visiting around the bon fire. When they are here, we don't even need guests and we can have a party on our own - because really, there are so many of us... :) But when they are away, a party doesn't have the same life, the same excitement. So even though I am looking forward to celebrating with friends, part of me will be missing - probably the most fun part...
Oh gosh, you are making ME miss them! I really understand your mixture of emotions.....I am sure they will have a fabulous time but it must be hard not having them there on July 4. They will soon be back! xo
Over the years, our 27 yr. old son has left us with empty nest about 10 times, he left again on Wednesday to do an intense studying blitz for his board exam in a couple weeks. It does get easier, but the missing part never goes away as he brings us so much laughter and love each time he comes. So I know exactly how you feel. Mothers and sons are the best.
I know how that feels, and it's just like part of your life has just been sucked out of you.... But then the day they come back excited and full of stories to tell will make you feel like it was so worth it!!!!
Releasing is so tough...
Gosh...LOVE your profile and the heart you's mine as well....
blessings to you! Lylah
My 10 year old had a sleep over at church last Friday. My head knew he would have so much fun, but my heart felt sad that I would be away from him.
I know exactly how you feel...My big guy has already been gone for a week, and he has another 4 weeks to go (camp counselor in Arkansas). It is amazing how flat things seem without him. I don't know what I will do when he leaves for college next year. Enjoy your 4th. It sounds like a wonderful time!!! :) KIM
Oh Kimberly I'm sure it has to be a big canvas bag full of mix emotions. I hope they have a wonderful time on their adventures. I know you will waiting open arms when they return. Hugs my friend! xoxo
happy 4th!
Its hard letting go. Just keep yourself busy & the time will fly by, even if it's busy relaxing.
Wishing you & all your men a wonderful weekend!!!
Oh my heart goes out to you. How difficult.
I can certainly understand why you would be missing them, and have mixed feelings about them going away. I do hope you have a wonderful 4th despite their physical absence. It's currently raining here in MN so I'm not sure what the day will be like. Hope your weather will be beautiful.
Hope you have a fun fourth. When a couple are away from the nest, its just not the same nest!~
Oh i know the feeling. When even one is missing it changes the whole feel in the house.
I haven't seen my 13 year old since school's out on Tuesday! He's having a last hurrah with his school friends. After eight years together they are moving on to secondary school in September... sniff... are so sweet...thank you for the follow :-)
I adore all of your pictures! really beautiful! I think my mom feels the same right now, I'm about to buy my own house and move out... I know it will be hard time for her, the first period of time.
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