Today is the last full day of the school year here on the farm. They do go tomorrow for two hours, but seriously, two hours? What is the point? So today is my day to wrap up any loose ends that I don't want to have to do when the boys are home.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I am definitely a type-A personality. Now, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. But when I started this blog, I started to see myself from different angles. I started to get an outside perspective on what it might be like looking in. Today for example...
So summer break begins tomorrow, and we also have a guest coming on Saturday who has never been here. A really special guest - someone I have never met but have a close connection to. So, between those two things, I really want to have everything just so. Now, I know that I have mentioned that we have this great property. We have done a lot of work on it, but it still has a LOT of things that need to be done. And honestly, if I am not physically working on something (totally overhauling the pond yesterday for example), I am thinking about doing something (today's to-do list goes on endlessly...). My handsome husband and I feel that we are so incredibly blessed to have what we do, and some evenings, as the sun is setting after a gorgeous summer day, and we are sitting outside just looking around at it all, we remark that it is like we live at a resort, or in a park. We love it that much. And I do - really! But I have this vision of what I want it to look like when guests come, or I have something planned. And it doesn't involve a lot, to whip it into shape - a good mowing, debris removal, furniture set up just so, toys gathered and into the sandbox, gardens weeded and cleaned up. Basic tidying, really. But the type-A part is this - if all of that is done, it puts me in a REALLY GOOD MOOD. Not that I can't be in a good mood if it isn't done. But I just feel so much better if it all looks "just so"... And honestly, the older I get, the more I realize that when guests arrive, they probably don't notice that I have cut all the dead heads off of the rose bushes, or weeded the gardens, or swept the entry. And maybe, as I get older, it won't bother me either.
I envy those of you who can entertain effortlessly. Who look forward to large groups of guests, who can just put out good food and know that the food and the company area all that matter. Those of you who are flexible, who just relax and enjoy the time spent entertaining. Those who actually enjoy friends "dropping over" even if things are a disaster!
So please, feel free to leave any sage advice on how to become less concerned about having everything "just right" and instead enjoying it all for the joy it brings. It would be greatly appreciated. I will be out in the gardens until I hear from you...