The lovely Rebekah from Little Byrd Vintage has tagged me on Home Decorating Style: 5 always/nevers of your own taste~

1. a basic neutral palette to start with - linen/antique white/silver/dark wood.

2. I love photography - old cameras, old photos, new photos of those I love. We have photos all over the place and I love the look of mixing frames and old and new photos~

3. I love mixing whimsical things - these old asian pieces done totally with stamps, given to me when my grandparents passed away. The origami mobile was made my a very talented friend and I love how airy and free it feels~
4. We have a very open floor plan and I love it! Our home was built in 1928 and although it is a bit quirky, I am absolutely enamored with it. It has so much character, and the open floor plan allows our family to spend a lot of time together. We have one living space which includes our kitchen, dining area, living area, and breakfast nook (aka - my everything space). We do most everything in this area~
5. Tidiness. I am a bit compulsive - although not as bad as some people I know - but I do like tidiness. I really really dislike clutter!
1. I don't like formal spaces that sit most of the year and are used for "special occasions". Every occasion is special in my opinion and I like to enjoy even my better items as much as possible.
2. No boarders along the ceiling. We had this in our old house and I would not opt to put them in this house~
3. No matching furniture sets (I think Rebekah had this one). I like a mix and match living space - it has so much more character in my opinion.
4. No spaces that you worry about being in. I don't want my family or my guests to feel like they might wreck something if they sit in my home. Granted, no shoes on the couch, no grapejuice there either...
5. No grout on the counters. I only say this because we had it pre-renovation and I really had a difficult time keeping it looking nice.
I won't tag anyone specifically but would love to hear a few of your "dos" and "don'ts"!
love it! especially the origami mobile :)
Love it! I'm with you on all of it - especially the neutral color palatte, mixing in some whimsy and NO matchy-match. We also use every room in the house and everyone feels comfortable everywhere...(even though I think my living room looks more formal, it's not - it's all washable- and we're in there a lot).
I love this post, and I share many of your always/nevers--although I am definitely not as tidy as I should be! We have an open floor plan loft, and I LOVE it. Spaces tend to do double duty for many tasks and pleasures, and that's just how I like it. I also love letting my vintage collections and my very new things live together side by side. My husband likes to call our look industrial-barn-cottage. Thanks for your inspiring post!
I loved reading this :)
Loving all your answers. I feel that same way about rooms that people can't feel comfortable in.
Hey! You were quick ~ nice! I love seeing these little glimpses into your house, it looks absolutely beautiful. The origami mobile is out of the world cool!! I know, grout. We have it in our kitchen and it is so impractical and gross.
Great post my friend! I share many of the same loves as you~ will you post your house someday for us?
pretty please~~
The never used formal rooms...whats the point if you can't live in it..I soo agree with you.
I do laugh at the borders & matching sets. I believe the 90s are over but I still see both everywhere in stores & wonder..who really buys the borders at Home Depot???
Loved your list.
My 2 never are...
1.Everything all at once. A room should look like its developed over time not that someone came in & bought everything in one trip or looi like a page out of a catalog.
2.Rotate the photos in frames to keep the smiles fresh & you don;t take the picture for granted.
hello there lucky lady!!! check out my blog!!!! xoxo!
I love this, and seeing snippets of your home. I have a room that doesn't get used, it is in the front of my house and I agree it is silly! You need to share more of your grgeous home for us nosey girls! :)
Interesting post...I'm redecorating my son's room right now into a big boy room. It's a bit of a challenge. I'm not naturally gifted or knowledgable when it comes to decorating, I just buy what I like.
One NEVER, ever, I have is cheap, mass-produced quilts or "bed in a bag" bedding. It makes me cringe!!!
My husband is an architect and has different tastes than what I have...he tends to like more modern pieces. But he appreciates certain items I have inherited...such as a 1920's schoolhouse clock and several other antique clocks in our home.
Seeing that you have 4 boys...I would love just a glimpse into how you decorate for them! :o)
-find pieces you love
-know when to stop
-carry measuring tape
-add you favorite color
-add tasteful art pieces
-buy too much furniture
-forget about soft ambient lighting
-sacrifice comfort
-add too many trinkets, unless you have appriopriate ways of displaying them
-forget to plan, before you leap
These are some of the things I try to do...that aren't already on your beautiful and practical list.
This was fun! I never wrote down what I did before... I feel like I've learned so much from the books, magazines, and BLOGS!
Thank you so much!
p.s. Let me know what you think of my list. I would love a professional critique!
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