The weather here in the pacific northwest has been outstanding for quite a while now. And as it is spring, if you don't live here, this might not come as big news to you. But if you do live here, you are very aware of how lucky we are to have had such a run of sunshine.

I was out in the gardens the other day cutting roses and realized that I have quite a variety of them on the property. While I have planted a number of them since we moved in, there were quite a few already here. We have some big climbers that you can only see from specific places (one hot pink rose sits on top of our carport and you can only see it if you are on our master suite landing, which really feels like this pretty secret rose as so few people get to enjoy it!). I have a lovely soft pink climber that is establishing itself next to Chez Poulet and winding it's way up onto the pergola we added last summer. There are also a few in the entry garden, which give off the most wonderful scent as you approach our front door.

I really like roses - I like the full petaled variety that look more like peonies than vintage roses. I love anything that has a divine scent, and roses definitely have that. I really like them mixed into my gardens, rather than having a specific rose garden. I think that I appreciate them more if they are on their own, intermixed with a variety of plants and flowers.

And I think I need more things for them to grow on... I do love my climbers!
Gorgeous roses and pics!
Have a wonderful weekend darling.
Your roses are beautiful. I only have two that were here when we bought our house. They are both red, which is not my favorite. I love the really full petaled ones as well, and every year I say I am going to get a few more, but then I get sidetracked by the necessities of the beds and garden. :) KIM
Absolutely lovely photos!
Oh beautiful! Beautiful! Roses... Pink... :-)
'Aunt Amelia'
So beautiful! I love roses and like you, I like them on their own and less traditional, but you can't beat that amazing scent!!
What amazing roses, and great photos... Sounds lovely~Laura
What a perfectly balanced life you live! Love these photos too! Have a great weekend~
GORGEOUS Roses! I am a bit biased to Roses...hence my name! I am LOVIN your blog and so happy I found it! It seems every blog I LOVE...everyone lives in Washington State! This Texas girl must be drawn there!
Amy Rose
Watch out, you might get used to the weather... but you have these beauties to keep sunshine in your heart even when the clouds return.
as always......gorgeous.
Have a beautiful weekend :)
The weather has been gorgeous- almost like our normal summer. The flowers have loved it (as long as they've been watered) and the rose scent hangs in the air.
I love your roses and I think that you can never have enough. Like ice cream flavors.
so so pretty.
Your roses are amazing!!I love the dainty pink shade....i can almost smell them.
Your blog is adorable...just reading your farm chicks posts..how fun! I promise myself that next year will be my turn to go!
Oh I am green with envy!! Just beautiful!
Those pictures are amazing!! I wishI could get roses to grow in my yard, apparently I am a terrible gardener cause they always end up with bugs and mold, so sad. Your however are amazing and I love how full they are, looks like a bunch of ruffles! :)
wow..that's all i could come up with on short notice. i wasn't prepared for such beauty. amazing!!
ah...! just beautifuls roses & picture....love it!
have å great weekend -
hugs from moa
I have one climber (Constance Spry) but i am planning to plant two more this summer, pink of course :)
Wish you a nice weekend,
warm hugs
Thanks for sharing your beauties. And so glad you've had your sunshine. Everything is always better it seems when the sun comes out. Hope you have a blessed weekend.
I love the pictures of the roses.
Im quite certain the room filled with fragrance as I scrolled through... I dream of day when I have the glorious New Dawns growing over my trellis. I also live the swollen full petal style. They're bursting with lovliness!!!
Wishing you a rosy weekend.
What beautiful roses to accompany an equally beautiful blog!
Would love to visit the Pacific Northwest someday...I think it is the only part of the country I haven't had the pleasure of visiting!
Looking at gorgeous flowers never gets old. Yours are lovely!
very pretty!
Gorgeous roses. So enjoyed popping by your blog. Farm chicks looked like a blast.
What beautiful pictures! Jen
GORGEOUS... I know I say this all the time but I really wish I could take photos like you do! You make my pics of the farm chicks look bad! :) I want to steal yours...
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