My sweet friend Tara (whom I think will be an even better friend after this coming weekend!) posted today about her bad habits, asking us what ours were. I could have written for hours, but instead limited my comment to the first, oh, dozen that came to mind... And Lissa's post yesterday about not being perfect, and how we tend to put the "pretties" out for the world to see also got me thinking... Add to that Kristin's post on how creativity is a journey and that maybe we need to look at things a bit differently than we do (along with a lovely email exchange that just added to the conversations in my head).
So here is what I would like to put out there~ Yes, we put the pretties out for the world to see. Yes, in our daily lives, things are a bit more "real", a little messy, a little sad, a little ugly. But even if we put the pretties out, I think that often times we don't actually look at our positive attributes. We don't say "you know, there are some really great things about me". Most of us grew up believing that was bragging. And what if we actually said it and people rolled their eyes behind our backs? And honestly, were we really that good anyway?
I could go on and on about gossip, and negativity, and pettiness, but that is for another post. Hopefully a post I will never write. Because this post is about positive! It is about standing up and saying "Hey! I have some pretty great qualities. I am good at a number of things. I am worth knowing!"
On a girls weekend away a number of years ago, the group sat around one evening and played Positive Gossip. (okay, truth be told, I had not eaten enough that day, spent too much time in the hot tub with a {few} glasses of wine, and fallen asleep long before the game began - but I heard about it!) The girls went around and everyone said their favorite thing about each other one at a time. It is pretty amazing (I would imagine...) to hear what others had to say about you. What a self-esteem builder!
On that note, I am going to ask you - what is it about you that you feel great about? What do you do well? Why do you love being you? Okay, I will start~
I am super friendly - to people I know and people I don't. I like knowing that when someone walks away from me, they leave feeling positive.
I am a hard worker. No, I don't necessarily finish everything but I put everything I have into doing whatever I am doing.
I am a good friend. I would be there for you in a moment if there was a way for me to get there. If not, I am always. always here for you, by phone, email, text. always.
I am thankful for my life. I know that it could be lost in an instant. I don't know how I became so blessed but I know that I am and I am so very thankful.
I am a decent photographer. I would love to be a fantastic photographer, and I will be, one day, but I am happy where I am so far.
Now, I wish there was a way to play the positive gossip game. I have so many wonderful thoughts on so many of you! Thus, if you leave me a comment, I will post my thoughts on you!
(another fabulous blog posted on this concept today~ love it!)
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind words.
You have a lovely looking blog here, clean lines and stylish.
Well, since I just recently discovered you, (and I love your blog...) there is really no way you could write anything about me, but this is a great idea--when you mentioned your girls' nite experience it made me laugh, because that is exactly what we do over here: I have my ladies over for food and cocktails and hottubbing...usually when the boys are off at a hockey game or something...one night we ended up discussing our deep core issues--patterns and wounds that have repeated throughout our lives and relationships...it was a very intimate and vulnerable discussion and deepened the bonds between us...( I guess I should get to the point here) so at the next girls nite, I will propose we do the "positive traits" discussion. And what I would say about myself is: that I am very creative and that I have a great smile, good skin and I love to laugh. I am also, like you, warm and friendly to people, and they tell me that I put them at ease.
off to work now!
Well, I know first hand how your there for people when they need help. You were so upbeat and sweet and gave me such great advice on your camera and what I should be looking for when I buy mine.
So now I own a wonderful camera that I love because you took the time out of your busy day to call & talk to me. It meant alot to me.
I almost didn't leave a comment because I felt like I was fishin' for a compliment! ;-) What a sweet post, though. I admire how you see beauty in the simple things in life; you don't take anything for granted and your eyes see so much more and appreciate so much more than many people. And...I'll agree to what you said about being friendly. You are!
I just love this post......it just screams Mimi Charmante- kind, sweet and beautiful.
What a wonderful post- thought provoking! I visit you, because I think you put out the postive. You love family, friends and a good way of living life. I'm not fishing just being real.
So glad you're here.
Kimberly, this is a great post, I love it...as much as I love admitting I have some bad habits! Te hee! Let's see I am good at laundry, I know sounds silly, but I always get it done, folded and put away in one day. I am a good friend, I like you would be there for anyone when they need me, any time, any day...I love my girls! I also like to write, I think I am good at it, but I suppose you have to like reading an open book! I am so excited to meet you and I love your photography and your way of looking at the world! thanks for posting this that was fun! See you soon, muwahhh!!
You passed decent photorapher years ago!!!!!
I love Positive Gossip.
A few kind words do a soul sooo much good. Giving good...the best!!!!
I smile at strangers all the time from across the store, etc & sometimes they're a bit weirded out but more often than not they smile back, deeply, a bit surprised but genuine.
Love this post!!!
hello -
..and thank`s for the lovely comments from you..
You have a beautiful blogg -
you are on my favourite-list :0)
hugs from moa
What a great post and so important for all of us to remember. I find that the older I get, the kinder I am toward others and myself. Thanks for spreading such positive vibes!! :) Silke
I loved your post and even wrote a post on your post. I guess I would have to say that I like my dedication to my family. I am good at my job and I enjoy it. Oh yeah, I pick great friends (hint, hint). xoxo Ziz
love this post - positive gossip is a great concept! thanks for visiting me!
Really thoughtful post...
You are right...you have a lot of great qualities! How lucky your husband and boys are!
As for me, I as I get older I have become more compassionate, more patient. And, I would like to become more comfortable in my own skin. Working on that one...
Kimberly, I love this post. Thanks for sharing more about you, because I was right on cue about you before today. I could feel it! I enjoy reading and seeing the beauty around you.
I too love giving positive comments to others. I learned early on to speak what is in my heart and to share with the person so they can hear what my heart feels. Thanks for a wonderful post! xoxo
I love this post Kim ~ you are an amazingly wonderful woman ~ Super Mom and your photo's are breathtaking! We are always quick to point out our flaws, so seeing you prompt us to think of the good things makes me stop and pause... Thank you for that. Hugs!
What a sweet and kind post! You photos are lovely and you have a beautiful blog. I will be back again. Much happiness. xo Joan
Positive gossip - great name, great concept, great post. We don't nearly spend enough time telling each other the good stuff. Me...I think I am the person you can count on to get the job done - whatever it is, xv.
Thank you for a really, really great post. As always I love your positive take on things. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
What a beautiful post.....and it would be wonderful if more women would so this for each other. Women have an incredible power to support other women and it always comes around.
Visiting you for the first time via French Essence. Beautiful flower photography! This is a wonderful post which has given me lots of food for thought. Many thanks.
I came over via 'French Essence.' What a lovely on line journaling place you have. And what a thought provoking entry is this.
I've been struggling with being content in my skin, of late. And finding beautiful tid-bits to dwell on. Your post, being the last one I've been lucky enough to find.
'Aunt Amelia'
love this topic! For me~ I think I bring joy to others. A smile, a cupcake, a surprise gift in the mail, and a glass half-full attitude that I like to share. I like to make people happy.
I have never read your blog before but read about this post on French Essence. To share the positive thoughts, I am going to post about the topic this week. We just did a really cool exercise about saying something good at work and it will be a nice thing to share as well.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. Very nice.
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