Is there an era that you truly feel connected with? What is it about that era that speaks to you? How could you bring parts of that era into your life?
All photos courtesy of my new favorite eye candy site, My Vintage Vogue. They have a divine flickr site as well!
I love this time era too.
The eras that speak to me are between the
20's-40's When men wore suits and hats and the women valued looking pretty even going to the store. My favorite movies are Indiana jones series and that is my favorite time era. I have alot of pieces from that time era in my house. They give me a comforting feeling when I see them :)
Beautiful images. Good question!
oh I know what you mean Mimi. I long for the simpler days. When I was a child we would ride our bikes around our neighborhood and to the local store for candy without fear of harm. We wouldn't dream of letting our children do that today. But we can dream. Great post.
I was born in the wrong era too...or maybe I wasn't...Maybe we've all had past lives and that's why we are so drawn to past eras haha. Well if it's true LOL then I lived in the antebellum south, Victorian England, and the 1940's and 50's, I think I was Vietnamese once too haha. I have been contemplating the ways in which I could bring back this glamor in my own life. I think dressing in all those fashions is a little impossible. I just couldn't pull it off. But I was thinking about trying to emulate their style (as in wear nicer clothes), demeanor, manners, etc. I've been watching a lot of old movies lol. They just had a certain way about them that bespoke femininity, glamor, and life :)
All the best,
Definately the late 30's-40's! There was a sense of style then that must have been truly magical. Love those dresses and skirts, hats, glove and yes... the tiny, ity, bitty waists!
elles étaient belles!
These are timeless and definitely should be in! Nope, you know what, they are in! I would applaud these fashions and buy them! I am definitely drawn to the sixteenth and seventeenth century and the time of the Belle Epoque. Blessings and thanks for such a great post.
I was born in the wrong era too, I could choose a few I would love to be a part of, but the 20's have it for me...I am smitten with the 20's. The clothes, the cinema, the cars, the music...love it all! I too long for simplier days...and vintage clothing! :)
The moment I saw the picture for the post I exclaimed...My Vintage Vogue!!!!
I too always feel like I was born too late, looking back at he photos, watching Andy Griffith & longing for the days when people dressed up, held doors open for each other & just showed greater regard for strangers.
As tuned people appear to be through Facebook, cell phones, etc. I think just the opposite has ourred with those right in front of you.
Thank you, as always, for sharing.
Oh so gorgeous. I agree with you, it was one beautiful era.
I must agree with everyone! I have some attachment to the Victorian Era, when the unsaid was just as important as the shouted. I love the clothes too, though I don't know how I would have ever fit into an 18 inch waist!
I also love the 30-40's for the glamor, the clothes, and the genteel society.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Though blogging is wonderful...sometimes it doesn't beat out the "face to face" conversation!
A beautiful time it was, with all the clothing!
I always thought it would be fun to be a teenager in the 50's with the poodle skirts. Dancing away on the weekends... Too bad we can't bring back a little of the 40-50's.
Have a golden day! xoxo
too funny! i say this all the time. i always say i should have been born at a time that would have allowed me to be a young adult in the 60s or during the art deco movement—my two favorite eras for fashion, furniture and architecture!
great post! great images to go with it!
Oh yes! These are beautiful! You know ~ I think the photo of you under "Moi" looks similar to these. I love the 20's and 30's. My ear flap flapper caps that I am making for this Fall/Winter definitely have a 30's vibe. I kept the tote I bought - shhhh! Don't tell my mom!!
beautiful.....definately Edwardian for me. Can't really tell you why though- just feel a connection. And the clothes, I love!
Oh what beautiful photos!
I have always wished that I lived in the fifties, fashion-wise. I *LOVE* the full, high-waisted skirts and beautiful dresses with fitted bodices and foufy skirts ... sigh sigh! Luckily there is a label in Australia that sells lots of stuff like that (but modernised) so I can get my fix ... I think I singlehandedly keep the label afloat, lol!
Ana Marija said...
I understand that the times gone by will always have a magical appeal and they do seem somehow better .. there is always something inspirational about them...but, no....
Am I the only one who wants to be catapulted into future and marvel at the wonders that are waiting for us!??
Oh, I could talk about this for a very looong time....
May 22, 2009 3:50 AM
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