This past week has been simply wonderful, which is not surprising seeing as my dad has been here with us. It is one of my two very favorite weeks of the year, another being his August visit. You see, he lives in Minnesota, and with us being in Seattle, there are no "going to dad's for dinner" or "dad is coming over to help work on this project or that". There are just two weeks. Two very precious weeks where he is here, spending time with us, inspiring us to accomplish all of the things that have been on our "to do" list for far too long.

Waiting at the airport for dad to arrive~

This week was great because unlike other years where we get one really big project done, this year we finished quite a number of projects that had been waiting for some time to be completed...
There was a retaining wall next to the pergola they built me last year on Chez Poulet that needed to be built~

There were the pavers in the entry that needed to be put back after the crazy bamboo removal of '09~

And there was the front of a playhouse to finish, as well as a side window to add~
(yes, it still needs paint...)

But this week certainly was not all work and no play. There was our traditional dinner compliments of daddy at Buca which we always enjoy, even if we do leave feeling like we ate too much, again...

There is a lot of time spent on the property together~

Remote control cars to drive~

Teeth to lose~

Dog fights... (totally kidding - they are truly not fighting, although they certainly look like they are, don't they?)

Family visits~
(this is my sweet father-in-law and his fabulous fiance)

And even a birthday party!

My Aunties Pam and Shelley made us homemade vanilla and strawberry ice cream for our cake!

(that is one tuckered out kitten)

And of course, lots of bon fires, complete with marshmallows for s'mores~

Whenever daddy leaves, my heart feels heavy. I was up before 5 am this morning as I know he is going and it weighs heavy on me. Thankfully, this is the May trip, which means when I say goodbye to him today, I know he is coming back in three months. The August trip to the airport is something you really don't want to be there for... You will not see photos of the second trip to the airport. Most likely I won't be able to see through the tears to take any pictures~
You tug at my heart strings. You and your Dad are lucky. Making such wonderful memories with your whole family. Looks like lots of projects were completed- and every time you enjoy the reselts you will have sweet Daddy-thoughts. Thanks for sharing your nice visit with all the great photos.
It looks like you had a fabulous memorial day weekend! love the play house and chez poulet! You have a way of making anything look beautiful with that camera of yours! I would never have thought of photographing the luggage claim area! :)
What a cake :)
la famille c'est important!
What a fun week! Your Dad is a special Dad for sure! I know you are so close to him. Enjoy every minute with him as you do. I miss my Dad every single day...
You have a beautiful family, sweetie. Can I just say, that food looks glorious!! Yum!
I love your pictures. Thank you for visiting me. ; )
What an amazing time! Everything is better when I am with my dad. Thanks for sharing.
Such a sweet post! I'm so glad that you have wonderful visits with your dad; and even time spent with other family members. Your photos really capture the true beauty of what family is all about!
wow! you've been busy. looks like a lovely week. i'd give anything to hang out with my dad for a week!
This looks so wonderful, so so wonderful! BTW: I want a pergola so bad and I love yours!! I went to Buca for the first time when we visited my cousin in Arizona a couple of months ago ~ we were beyond stuffed. Next time I am in Seattle we will definitely have to meet up! Oliver was asking today to go back so possibly it won't be so far away :)
1. You look gorgeous and so happy on these photos!! 2. Everything else looks fab!
3. I am moving in with your girls!!!
I love you ~ you already know that! Once again, your pictures are beautiful. It sounds like you had a wonderful week with your Dad and made many more memories to cherish.
Sounds like a lovely time with your Dad and family. I love the playhouse!
Looks like a wonderful week. I completely understand how you feel. I live in Minnesota and my folks are in Illinois. It's hard. I was really missing them this weekend. I would love a drop in! Miss those days.
looks like you had a wonderful time. and i know the feeling. family visits are bitter/sweet for me- enjoying the visit but at the same time knowing it will end soon... hugs-jane
i really love the father daughter relationship...i love hearing you recapture your time together-how truly precious.
your photo captures are wonderful!!
Lovely, making such beautiful memories with your family is the best thing there is.
Your dad's tshirt with Older then Dirt is hilarious!
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